Chapter 14: The things you do for-

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Kane's POV

After I left Aurora's room my anger came back, nearly blinding me with rage. Josh, he hadn't been in the company for more than a few years, but quickly became Mr. Smiths favorite. Not sure why, he obviously is incapable of his job, letting my Angel get hurt like that. I couldn't stop my fists clenching at my sides. I was walking as fast as I could to the help wing. I knew exactly where to find him. Some guys liked to use their sleep breaks to socialize and drink in the kitchen/dining room in our wing.

Low and behold there he was, lounging in his chair, feet on the table laughing with his buddies. His face flushed, probably because of the beer in his hands.

As I walked in, the chatter in the room died down to nothing. Most avoiding my eye contact. Most of the men here avoided me, knowing my dark past and trying their best not to involve themselves in it. Not Josh though.

" How's watching over your little bitch? She is a fine thing though, lucky you get to see that all day" he said referring to Rose. A new wave of anger is coming over me. Men talking about women that way disgusted me.

"Hm, speaking of. How did Aurora get those bruises?" I questioned. Deciding to ignore his previous question. He froze for a second, before cocking a grin.
"Wow, Kane, I didn't know you had it in you. Fucking the daughter huh, I'm surprised anytime I got close to her, she looked like she seems ghost, always running away that one. Say are you fucking both of them?"

With that I walked over to him and pulled him up by the collar, forcing him to stand. He was a bulkly guy, but I had height to my advantage.
"Hey man, don't get your panties in a twist. Her little boyfriend gave her that bruise"
"And why didn't you stop him?"
"Well, if we are being honest here, these spoiled bitches need to be knocked down a few pegs. Reminded their place in life."

With that came a blow to his face. Knocking him over, I'm surprised at his weakness.
"Everyone out!" I bellowed.
The sound of chairs scraping and hurried steps filled the room. I couldn't take my eyes off this piece of shit though. Once the noise died down-
"Stand up" I ordered.

He staggered up, "stop acting all high and mighty, don't pretend you don't think the same thing. This family are such prudes, in all honesty they could all use some humbling"

I punched him again, but in the stomach, he hunched over into me. I held him up by the shoulder.
"I think you could use some humbling," I whispered in his ear.

Not half an hour later, I left the kitchen area, blood coating my hands. The stilled body of Josh laying on the flood.

He's not dead, just unconscious.

I arrive at my room and wash the blood off my hands and forearms. I smiled to myself, Josh won't be able to guard Aurora with two broken legs and some broken ribs.

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