Chapter 10:Painted Purple

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Despite hours of arguing with my mother she won, of course, she always did. She fought dirty, she fought you with your own weakness and insecurities.

So here I was sitting on the steps facing the front door waiting for Tristan to pick me up for our date. Of course, Josh stood at the bottom of the stairs to accompany me. My mom also forced me into some too tight jeans and a tight shirt that had a V-neck line. Definitely out of my comfort zone.

A minute later the doorbell rang and in came Tristan, flashing this boyish smile. My mom came into the room, greeting him with a hug as I descended the stairs and walked towards the pair. Once I was closer, Tristan turned to me-
"You look amazing, Aurora. Ready for our date?" I responded with a nod. My mother all but pushed us out of the front doors with a "You two have fun, Aurora make sure you behave!" and by that she meant make sure you do what he says and not cause a scene.

The drive was awkward, Tristan driving, me in the passenger seat and Josh in the back. I busied myself with watching the scenery rush past. In about 20 minutes We arrived at his place. It was a big house, not as big as mine but still impressive.
"My parents are out of town, so it's just us tonight" Tristan turned to me and smiled at the thought. I shrunk into myself more. This is exactly what I needed, urg.

Tristan gave a house tour, which I paid little mind too. I don't plan on ever being here again. Eventually we ended up in the theater room. Tristan closed the door behind us, leaving Josh outside the room. Tristan looked at me over his shoulder, "What do you want to watch?" He questioned. "Uhm, something funny." Trying to keep the mood light tonight. I don't need him going off again.

He picked an Adam Sandler movie. Of all the movies he had, it had to be that one? I hate this movie, it's so sexist. But I didn't complain, the less I say, the less that can piss him off. So we sat on a reclinable love seat facing the big screen. The movie played, I made sure to laugh at all the stupid jokes Tristan laughed at.

It was going okay until he pulled me into his side to cuddle. I stiffened. Okay, remain calm, it's just a cuddle. His fingers started to rub circles into my arm. But after a while it started hurting, becoming raw from the same place being touched over and over. I adjusted a little hoping it would move his hand away from that spot. But instead, his hand found my ass. Not good. It just sat there for a few minutes, not moving, but as if reading my thoughts it started squeezing it, ever so slightly. After I didn't say anything, he built up confidence and was squeezing harder. A Little painful at this point, so I started to pull away. Of course, life couldn't be so simple.

In the blink of an eye I was placed below him, "Look at you love, can't get away so easily. Always playing cat and mouse. Well, I caught you" He then leaned down to kiss me, but I turned my head to the side and he catches my cheek in his kiss. He huffed before bringing his hand up to harshly grip my face turning me back towards him, this time I couldn't move when his lips came to attack mine.

Maybe he just wants to kiss. I can do that. I can do that for my family. We kissed for eternity, me half assing my side of the kiss. His hand then slid down my stomach, slowly, before reaching the hem of my pants. I started panicking. I don't want this. I don't want him. This isn't worth any kind of money for my mom. I bucked my hips up and turned so we both fell off the couch, I quickly got up and made my way towards the exit. I'm not sure where I would go, but honestly anywhere is better than here.

TW: PHYSICAL ABUSE- take care of yourselves, please.

As I was about to reach the door knob a searing pain ran through my scalp, Tristan pulled me by the hair, slamming me into the wall. His hand now at my throat-

"Why do you make me do this, love? I don't want to hurt you" he yelled in my face, gripping my throat tight. It was becoming harder to breathe. I whimpered in his hold. The pressure is growing to be too much. And suddenly he dropped me on the floor. I slumped into a gasping pile of mush, just trying to gain back my composure.

"Why Aurora why?! You tease, if you just stopped playing games and gave in, this wouldn't happen. But I guess I have to train the tease out of you. Show you how men are supposed to be pleased." With no warning, one, two, three kicks to my stomach, the last one I heard a crack, felt a pop. Did he break my ribs? I think so. 

He bent down in front of me. "Just be a good girl next time and this won't happen. I don't want to hurt you, it pains me just as much as it does you. But you need to learn better." He got up, leaving me on the floor, too hurt to move. I was scared I'd rupture something with my ribs if I moved anymore. He left the room.

After some time he came back. "Okay little love, it's getting late. I think it's time for you to get you home." He grabbed me from under the armpits, standing me up. Before slinging my arm around his shoulder to support me. I couldn't help but groan in pain. I hadn't experienced this type of pain in- years. He all but dragged me out to his car, followed by Josh, who said nothing.

The ride home was filled with my puffing for air. Every time I breathed in, it sent an awful pain through my body. When we arrived, Tristan made me get out with no help. I walked into the dark house. Everyone is already in bed, seeing as it's about 2:20am. Josh left my side immediately, going off somewhere. My best guess, "the helps" quarters.

Leaving me to fend for myself. Well, here we go. The trip up the stairs was painfully slow. This fucking sucks I'm feeling dizzy from the pain, but the last thing I need is to pass out and fall down these stairs.

I used the wall to support me to my room. Where I shut the door and sat on my bed. No position eased the searing pain in my side. I need medicine or something. But I have nothing up here, not even a first aid kit. The only place I know that has some Is the downstairs guest bathroom. I huff. Of course. I ever so slowly take my shirt, bra and pants off, leaving me in my cheeky black undies. I grab an oversized tee to throw on. But I can't manage the pain of putting on pants again. With that, I stumbled out of my bedroom

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