Chapter 7: Get away

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    I awoke in my soft, comfortable bed, to the sun shining in my eyes. I groan and turn around, pulling the covers up over my head. In my cocoon of warmth and comfort, my brain slowly begins to work again. Wait... Why the fuck am I in my bed? My last memory is sitting in the art wing's hall. Huh, maybe I was so tired I don't remember coming back. That's probably it, because I also didn't have a nightmare. I must have really been sleep-deprived.
Despite my body's protest, I drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom. Deciding a shower is what I need to perk up again. I let the warm pain reliever cascade down my body as I wash. A shower hasn't felt this good in ages.

I feel refreshed due to my restful sleep. Today would be a great day to call up a friend and hang out. However, I haven't had friends since early high school. Once I entered high school, things changed. Popularity and looks became important, as well as money. I had friends back then, but not a lot, and my mom was still an upcoming lawyer. We were just over middle class at that point. So I was a nobody in that school, and to top it off, I was chubby. No one wanted to be my friend. Slowly the friends left for new better ones, and I was left alone. I graduated high school alone but at the top of my class. Going into college ready to dominate. However, soon after entering college the incident happened. I missed months of school and when I came back, I wasn't me anymore. I stopped talking to people. Stopped participating in classes. Some days I would leave class early crying. I don't miss those years. I was weak. I didn't have a wall to protect me, I let everything affect me. Trigger me.

Over the years however, I've learned to shield myself from the outside world. Keep a hard exterior. Keeping to myself so no one could hurt me again. I isolated myself. That was the consequence of safety. In this world, only the strong survive. I may be short, and look innocent, I may be naive to some things in life. But I'm no stranger to hurt, betrayal, pain. I've learned to welcome those things like old friends. In the end, that's all the remains anyway.

At breakfast, somehow my family managed to ignore me even harder than before. I wasn't aware that was possible. The table sat in dense silence. I was choking on the stiff vibe everyone was giving off. 
Eventually everyone dispersed, including me. When I reached my room, I received a text in the group chat

Mom: "The bodyguards have Sundays off. So every Sunday you both must stay inside the house. Not the yard, Not the garden. The house."
I know what I'm doing today. I haven't been able to be free since josh came around. I dressed in leggings, sneakers, and a sports bra topped with a cropped zip up hoodie. I'm going to the creek. A favorite spot of mine since I was young. With no bodyguard it'll be easier, however there's still cameras. Lucky for me, I memorized their placements long ago.

I headed down the hall of my sister, and I's wing, opposite the entrance to the wing. At the end was A big arched window with big green velvet curtains drooping down it. A little table in front and some plants to the side of it. To my left was an emergency exit, a camera stationed above it to watch for intruders.

I walked up to the window, and looked down at the drop. This was the worst part, but I've done it before. Just stay flexible. I put my bottom half out first, lowering it as close to the ground as my arms will allow, before letting go of the ledge.

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