Ending Notes

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Okay I'm making a second book for this story. Really it's just a part two of this one. I just really hate long wattpad stories.

Again this story did not go how I had planned. Honestly I wanted it to be about 40 chapters and end it there but now I gotta make another book. I really was just gonna kill Aurora off and make this story a lot darker than it is. But I was having a hard time figuring out how to get to that point.

So I just went with the flow of the book and let the words lead me to the next chapter and here we are lmao. It was supposed to be a smuttier book but kinda turned into more mental health than anything. The next book won't have much smut in it at all because Auroras got a lot to work through.

The second book will be up asap because again it's more like a continuation of this story.

Thank you for reading. Sorry it was such a roller coaster haha. Love you all! Even if you are just a ghost reader I hope you enjoyed yourself up to this point!

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