Chapter 22: Searching for someone

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Chapter 22:

Kane's POV

They took her. Dragged her right out the door. I couldn't do anything but watch. Out of desperation, I was able to tell her I love her. Scared it will be the last time I see her.

She was strong though. She needed to fight, at least fight long enough for me to get to her. I'll never stop looking for her. I made a promise to myself the first day I saw her that I would keep her safe. I failed to do that when they took her, but I'll get her back. That's the least I could do.

By the time I was able to undo my wrist binds their car was nowhere in sight. The long driveway was abandoned.

I took no longer to call in reinforcements to replace all the dead guards but to also help track her down. Hours later The rest of the Smith family arrived back home from their three-week vacation. Perfect timing.

I can only assume the horror they felt walking into their home, it looked like a tornado went through, blood everywhere, furniture destroyed, bullet holes. It was a mess but I couldn't help but smile down at the smashed vase covered in a man's brain, a man who will not be missed. That Aurora, what a fighter.

"What the hell happened here?! We were gone for like three weeks and the house gets destroyed?!" Ms. Smith screeches. I hate that bitch.

"Ma'am, your house was attacked, most of our men were killed in the fight to protect your home. As well as Greta, the housekeeper" at that Rose choked out a sob. "They took Aurora, something about a payment. I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything." God, I felt so useless. I couldn't protect the woman I loved. What's the point of anything if I fail at that?

"Send a search team out. She couldn't keep herself out of trouble could she?" she sighed, walking out of the foyer headed god knows where. She could have at least pretended to be upset over her daughter's kidnapping.

Later That Evening

I was sitting at the kitchen island looking over the backgrounds of the criminals who took my Aurora. I couldn't help but scoff. They were such low lives, petty thrift, burglary, carjacking, one had an assault on the record. After that, they all went off the grid for the past 5 years no word. Until now.

"Sir, we got something. Their car. We found it via satellite, it's abandoned in a ditch. Appears to have been in an accident." One of my men stated.

"Well, what are we waiting for let's go!" I yelled jumping to my feet and heading for the door.

After about an hour's drive we arrived at the crash site, black skid marks adorn the road, glass glistening in the street lamp. An accident indeed.

It appeared the car had flipped several times. Crushing the car on all sides. As I approached the vehicle I could see the mangled body of the driver hanging out the windshield. A little further away from the car, the man who appeared to be calling the shots at the house lay. He must have gotten thrown from the vehicle. Both men were dead, and upon further inspection, the big brute that man handled Aurora and the angel herself were gone. This was either really good news or really bad news.

Aurora either escaped or was taken by the other survivor.

"Spread out! I want these woods searched thoroughly. A 20-mile radius from this crash site!" I barked out. The men started to coordinate the search while I made some phone calls to get a helicopter in the air, hoping they might be able to spot something faster from above.

Not long after we were in the woods searching. The sun was going down and visibility along with it, but we continued on. Small bugs came out filling the cold crisp air with buzzing. That along with my feet snapping twigs were the only things I could hear.

There were men a few meters from me on both sides, far enough away where I couldn't hear them unless we yelled but I could still see their flashlights cutting through the trees.

Sharp static in my ear cut the silence. One of them said he had something, a trail of blood he assumed. His location is several meters to the south of me. I took no time sprinting to his location.

When I arrived he nodded his head towards the evidence that would hopefully lead us to Aurora. On a larger branch that covered the forest floor, a few drops of blood lay, still wet. They weren't that old if they hadn't dried yet.

Chances are it's either Auroras or the bastard that hurt her. Either way, I'd get answers on what the hell happened. There was still a slight chance this trail would lead us to an animal bleeding out but the chances were slim and I had to be optimistic.

Aurora's POV:

Panting. That's all I could do while I looked up at the night sky. The stars showed bright out here away from the city. The wind could be heard rustling through the branches above me.

A beautiful night, yet I lay unable to move on the forest floor. I could hardly feel my body, and what I did feel left an excruciating pain running through me. Leading to my heavy panting.

If I believed in god I would have probably would have been praying by now. Praying for forgiveness, for strength, for someone to find me. But all I could do was lay here panting and bleeding. So much blood, my hand lay on my stomach while I felt the blood spill out of my stomach and onto the cold hard ground leaving me in a puddle of sticky liquid.

I guess I couldn't complain too much, my companion from the crash lay not far from me dead. I had no energy to feel sick and upset over the fact that in the last 24 hours I killed three or four people. However, it seemed karma was catching up to me quickly.

As the blood left my body so did the warmth. My body felt cold and ridged. My breath became shallow and my eyesight blurry. But I couldn't help a small smile that played on my lips. I had spent the past few weeks with the man I grew to love. They were easily the best weeks of my life. I was just grateful I got to experience that feeling.

As the stars faded and the trees blurred, my breath came as a whisper, and my heartfelt like a long-forgotten drum beat, I swear I heard a voice

"Over there! I found her! Come quick she's here!"

A blinding flash of light took over my eyesight before I fell into darkness. Is this what death felt like? I thought it would be more serene, more..... dramatic.

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