Chapter 30 Shivers

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Third Person POV

Kane and Aurora glided across the ballroom floor effortlessly. Their bodies fit together perfectly and the couple couldn't find the strength to look away from one another.

"I love you" Kane let out. He hadn't meant to say it but it was all that ran through his mind at the moment. Aurora blushed and graced him with a smile

"I love you too" she replied.

After another moment of drinking each other, they couldn't contain themselves, leaning in their lips met perfectly, moving against each other in a perfect sink. The kiss turned needier, pushing harder against one another, tongues fighting a battle of dominance. Aurora couldn't help but press herself closer to Kane, his body heat easily seeping into her.

Their hands began to explore each other. Auroras slid up his chest slowly, feeling the dips of his abs and biceps. Her final destination was tangled in his hair where she tugged on it with need.

Kane couldn't help but move his hands lower, cupping her ass that he thanked God for every day. One hand teased Aurora's thigh which was fully exposed due to her dress's slit.

They both seemed to come back to their senses then, pulling apart and panting. Looking around to see if anyone saw their display of affection and need. After seeing no judgmental stares Aurora blew out a breath of relief.

"Maybe we should find somewhere more private?" Kane chuckled. He then led Aurora to a room that was outside the ball but only a few feet down the hall.

Once inside the room, Kane wasted no time pushing Aurora against a table that was up against the wall near the door.

Their feverish kissing resumed, more heated than ever.

"I want you, please" Aurora begged, sliding her palm over his hardon causing him to hiss.

"As needy as ever hmm? Even with a room full of hundreds of people only a few feet away, you still can't help yourself can you slut?" Kane responded, picking her up and placing her on the table, spreading her legs, and pulling her to the edge for better access.

Aurora was panting heavily. She hated to admit it but she loved when Kane spoke that way to her. It makes her cheeks flush and pussy throb. All she could do was whimper in response and buck her hips forward urging Kane to do what he intended to.

Kane laughed at her neediness. Unbuckling his pants, pulling them down a bit, followed by his boxers, only to let his cock spring out, slapping his stomach. His fingers grazed over and played with Aurora's panties. He loved to tease her till she was dripping and begging. He pulled her panties to the side and aligned his cock up with her entrance.

"Be a good girl for me and stay quiet yeah?" Kane said before slamming into Aurora, only to have her scream out at the intrusion.

He slammed into her mercilessly, watching her tits bounce with each hit, her cheeks redden and her eyes roll back in ecstasy. His favorite view.

Aurora couldn't keep quiet, she could feel every inch of him sliding in and out of her, his abdomen hitting her clit every time he bottomed out. The feeling was too much, she didn't think it was humanly possible to go this fast.

Aurora dripped all over Kane's cock and down onto the floor, this only drove Kane crazier ramming into her without a care in the world. The pictures on the wall threatened to fall off due to the impact of the table against the wall.

Kane gripped Aurora's neck tightly, effectively quieting her down to raspy moans and curses. She couldn't stop herself when she came all over Kane's cock without warning, her toes curled and her head flew back.
"Did you cum without permission, already?" Kane mocked. He fucked her through her orgasm and continued even when tears ran down her face from overstimulation. Kane knew if she wanted she could end the whole thing. But she hasn't, so Kane continued his torture of her.

He couldn't help the sadistic smile that crept across his face while looking down at the small nymph in front of him. Tits spilling out, hair disheveled, tears streaming down her face mixing with the spot of drool that escaped Aurora's mouth.

"Scream for me, baby. Let everyone here know who you belong to." Kane whispered in her ear, followed by him placing his thumb over her clit and rubbing circles. Aurora was shaking in bliss.

"F-fuck. Kane- ahh" She couldn't get a coherent sentence out. She loved the thrill of people hearing them, the possibility of someone walking in on them. It made the whole thing hotter for her.

"Daddy, please. Please cum." Aurora whined, she was close again and she wanted to release with him.

"Please fill me with your cum, let me be your cum dumpster tonight." She was able to force it out, she knew he loved when she degraded herself, and she loved it too.

An animalistic glint flashed across Kane's eyes and Aurora knew she would get what she was begging for. He slapped her tits that now were fully on display, pinching them occasionally, Aurora letting out yelps of pain that brought her closer to the edge.

Kane moved his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her closer, their foreheads nearly touching.

"Cum with me your slut." Kane commanded as he reached his peak.

"You belong to me." He moaned out, spilling his seed and filling Aurora up.

She came at the same time, shaking and quivering around Kane's cock. He stepped back to admire his work, her legs spread, cum dripping out of her pretty tight cunt. Kane smiled and couldn't help but take a picture of her used state. He knew it would make good material for use when he was alone.

Kane helped his love fix herself, neatly redoing her hair to the best of their ability. Trying to erase any sign of her tears.

After some time they both looked presentable. Sharing come last kisses and words of affirmation the couple returned to the ball.

Unfortunately, Kane had to return to his job, having missed too much already.

Leaving Aurora alone, in a ball full of people she didn't know, that is until she turned around, jumping out of both fright and fear.

There stood Tristan in a classic suit staring down at Aurora in hate, which was quickly replaced with a look of sorrow.

"Aurora please listen to me. I am so sorry for what I did to you." Tristan pleads to the small girl in front of him.

Aurora didn't believe him, but he seemed so genuine, that she couldn't help but wonder if it was true.

"Please, at least let me talk to you, we can go somewhere private and I'll explain everything. I'm so so sorry. I won't even ask for you back. Just please let me apologize to you properly." He begged.

Aurora didn't react for a moment, studying the boy in front of her, thinking over her options. Finally, she gave him a small nod to which he smiled and softly took her hand, leading her away from the ball and all the eyes and ears.

He lead them both upstairs to a deserted hall that was lit only by the moon and the lighting shining through the window that overlooked the ball from above. Aurora drifted towards the window, watching the people below dance and chatter amongst themselves. She easily spotted her love on the outskirts of the room, he appeared to be talking into an earpiece.

"Your family always did know how to throw a party" a voice whispered into her ear.

Aurora's blood ran cold. Her face lost all color, her body tensing up. Throughout the years Aurora promised herself she wouldn't freeze in front of him again, yet here she was. There was no fight or flight. Only freeze.

Memories Aurora fought hard to lock up unleashed and came to the forefront of her mind. The one person, one man she never wanted to see again stood behind her.

She slowly turned to meet the chilling eyes that haunted her dreams, tears unknowingly streaming down her face only exciting the man in front of her more.

"Hello, my love. It's been a while" the man said.

He was here.

He was here.

In her house.


Her Ex.

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