Chapter 31: History Repeats

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(I changed her Ex's name to Lars.)


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I was frozen in place. It's like the world stopped and I was trapped with him and him alone. I felt my hands begin to tremble as my body broke out in a cold sweat. My heart was beating violently in my ears.

He was here. He. Was. Here. This can't be happening. I thought I escaped him. Left him for good.

Who am I kidding? I knew there was no escaping him as long as he walked this earth. I guess I just told myself lies to keep life manageable.

"You look divine tonight." He said. Running a hand down my arm, my body reacted instantly, goosebumps rising in fear. His touch made me sick. I couldn't fight the flashbacks anymore. I felt like I might vomit or pass out. Or both.

"W-what ar-re you d-doing here?" I tried to speak strongly but it was no use. It was then I realized we were alone, Tristan was long gone leaving me alone with this monster. Despite how psychotic Tristan was, his presence would have made me feel safer around this sick fuck.

"I came to save you of course." what the fuck. Save me from what. What has his twisted mind told him now? He must have seen my confusion because he opened his mouth to elaborate.

"You've never been the brightest. I don't mean to be rude dear love it's just the truth. You are so gullible. When I saw what was happening in this house I just knew I had to save you. You obviously can't see what is going on here." He paused moving closer to the window that overlooked the ball. He looked down across the sea of people chatting and dancing.

"They don't love you. None of them do. You're family and even that man you've been running around with" He bit out. I knew my family never really like me, but Kane? He's delusional Kane and I are in love.

He sighed as if he could read my mind. He had always been able to see through me. I hated that about him.

"He's toying with you. You're family never cares to hide their distaste for you but Kane is cruelly playing with your naive heart. No one has ever loved you but me. And no one can ever love you but me."

I just stood there shaking. I tried so hard to repress the feelings of worthlessness that he ingrained in me all those years ago. But I guess that's something you can never truly let go of. Did Kane not love me?

No. No. He's messing with me just like back then. Kane does love me I know it.

He signed "Stupid girl. How can you not see it? He was hired by your family. Which means he does what they tell him to. Why would he go against the hand that's feeding him? If you can't see that then think about this, why would a man like that be with a girl like you?"

I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I had always wondered that, in the back of my mind. But I pushed it down. Kane was successful, smart, and a fucking model honestly. He had everything any girl would want. And I, no plans, a degree in fucking art, short and chubby. Why would he be with me?

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