Chapter 15: Blur

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As the days passed, I started to heal and feel so much better. Weirdly enough, after the night Kane came to see me Josh wasn't my guard anymore. All I know is they said he was incapable of performing his duty.
Whatever that means, I can't help but to think maybe Kane had something to do with it. That night when I told him about Josh, he was more than upset. I can't shake the feeling,, but perhaps I'm just overthinking this.

My new guard is a woman, and I couldn't be more relieved. She didn't talk much and kept her space, her presence went way less noticed than Josh's, and it was more comforting than Josh's.

I was finally able to move now without wincing. If I turned a certain way or over extended myself it hurt, but overall I felt better. So I decided a few days ago to start joining family meals again. They gave no reaction to my presence again, of course.

I was sitting at the table eating some fruits, trying to steal as many glances of Kane as I could, without seeming like a creep and getting caught. Today the fruit tastes especially good, they must have been local or something.

"Rose, don't forget to meet us at the door in about half an hour with your stuff. The flight is in three hours" My mom ordered
"Yes, Mom I know, you've been saying the same thing for the past week!" My sister complained.
"What's going on? Are we going somewhere?" I asked.
"We are going to Italy. We didn't get you a ticket, though. We figured you wouldn't want to go anyway. You're always in your room and being antisocial." Mom replies.

I sit there shocked, mouth agape. They didn't even think to invite me? I was hurt, more than hurt. What kind of family plans a trip and doesn't tell their daughter till the morning of?

"Wha-What am I supposed to do?" I asked
"Just stay here, enjoy your time alone, there will be fewer guards, but some will still be around"
"And my bodyguard?"
"Well, your new one has family in Italy, so we decided to be nice and bring her, so she can see them. But don't worry, Another guard will stay with you"
"Who? Another new one?!" I'm so annoyed with all these changes, it puts me on edge. What if the next one is worse than Josh?

"Mr. Genji."

"Who the fuck is Genji?!" That's when I hear a throat being cleared, and I whip my head to Kane. Wait...
"Watch your mouth! Kane Genji. Your sister's Bodyguard."

Ohhh. Oh, well, this won't be so bad having Kane follow me everywhere. A blush rose on my cheeks and I think Kane noticed because I caught a slight smirk on his face. Bastard.

I got up before everyone else and headed to my room. I only had about half an hour till Kane was watching me. So for some reason, I started cleaning my room. Even though he stands guard outside the rooms.

By time, I was done, it was about time for my family to leave. So I headed downstairs to see them off.
Sure enough, there they all were checking their bags to make sure they had everything. Of course, they had a total of 15 suitcases and bags for a three-week trip.

"Okay, don't get into trouble while we are gone, try not to leave the property too much, it's still a little... unsafe out there." My mom said. That was the most motherly thing she's ever told me
"Uhm okay I will"
"Okay bye"
"Bye". And with that they headed out the door. I watched them pull out of the driveway and grow smaller in the distance as they drove away.

I still can't believe I'm missing Italy. But- I turn around and Kane stands, not too far from me, already staring at me.

But- this won't be too bad, I think as I look him over. This is going to be a long three weeks

Sorry this chapter is so short- it's kinda just a transition chapter.

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