Chapter 26: Assets 

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Chapter 26:

"Kaneee" I whined out "you left hickeys all over my neck!" The deep purple marks stared back at me in the foggy mirror. He was so gonna get it. I heard him chuckling in the other room.

I was feeling good today, better than I have been since everything happened, maybe it was the sex, my confession to him, or our shower this morning but no matter. I wasn't gonna complain.

Leaving the bathroom and strutting to the closet I decided to look nice today. Only to keep my spirits up.

After much deliberation I decided I needed a more comfy outfit since I wasn't going anywhere. So I pulled out a short thigh length black skirt that streched if I needed extra room, a soft, short, white button up sweater, and some knitted white knee high socks incase I get chilly.

Walking out of the closet I found Kane sitting at the edge of my bed staring hard at his phone

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Walking out of the closet I found Kane sitting at the edge of my bed staring hard at his phone. He was dressed in black trousers and a skintight black shirt that showed off his adonis body, his silver rings (which i now think is more for an extra painful punch than looks), gun holsters and his diamond stud topping off the look.

My appreance made him lift his head from his phone. His eyes darkening, jaw clenching, he stood up from the bed and stalked over to me. Once my chest brushed his upper stomach he stopped and stared down at me.

"If you wear that today, I might just end up throwing you back in my bed. But this time I wont be so nice" He growled out. My face flushed and body heated up at his words. If he was being nice before... then what did his not nice sex look like? I became a tomato at the thought quickly turning away and rushing out the door before I did end up on the bed.

Kane followed me, laughing at my escape attempt. We headed down for breakfast with my family. Me seating in my original spot, however Kane stood behind me now.

Ever since my family has returned our relationship was more distant than ever. They didin't discuss their trip and I really wasn't in the mind state to ask. After the first day of me being awake they didn't check up on me. Not when I skipped meals or when I was held up in my room for at least a week straight. My sister never came to see if I was okay when I woke up screaming, I knew she had heard my screams. At least once, but she never came.

It shouldn't hurt, and I shouldn't have expected more from them, but I couldn't help the hope and longing I felt for just alittle affection from them. I know I wasn't the perfect daughter, and I know I messed up. But sometimes I just craved that parental love and guidance.

My eyes stung with unshed tears and I swallowed them down, continuing to eat. I had unintentionally took my hurt and morphed it into anger targeted towards my family. I was a screw up and I know my past embarresed them, but that didn't warrant the way they treated me.

After a few bites I was full. Having lost my appetite after watching my family converse in hushed tones across the table. Just then I felt a warm presence behind me. My breath caught in my throat waiting for what was to come.

"You better finish that plate or i'll shove something else down your throat till you cry" Kane whispered into my ear, a deadly tone to his voice. I picked up my fork and started stuffing my face with the remaining food. I had no doubt he was serious and would do just that if I didin't do as he said.

Unfortunately our interaction didn't go unnoticed by my family, I had hoped my family would just mind their business, but of course things could never be that simple.

"Looks like you were busy while we vacationed" my mom spoke, her eyes flicking back and forth between me and the man I knew was standing behind me. I just hummed in response not entertaining her petty comments.

"Aurora, you look at me when I talk to you" my eyes snapped up to meet her dead cold ones. I couldn't detect a single emotion swirling in them. No love, concern, care. It just furthered my irritation towards the family.

"You can't go whoring around with the staff. If this continues, I'll fire Mr Genji. Do you know how you look? Walking around this house with that man? You look like an easy slut. What happened to Tristan hmm? I havent seen him around. Are you cheating on him?" she questioned.

"Tristan and I were never together, and if you haven't noticed I was kind of busy recovering after I was attacked because of whatever you involved yourself with." I bit back.

"Urg! I atta throw you out of this house, cut you off. Maybe then you'll learn what happens when you embarrass this family by opening your legs!" She snapped. Alright. I'm done. I heard Kane take a step forward behind me however I lifted my self from the chair before he could do anything. Placing both hands on the table, leaning forward a tad-

"Go ahead. Last I checked I had about 750 million in my off shore account. You see from the times you did ever provide for me and give me money, instead of using it to buy drugs to make up" I cut a glance to my sister, "I hired an investor, and after all these years. I'm pretty sure my networth is worth more than yours." I smiled "And you know, this might be the perfect time of year to visit my villa in italy. Or i've been missing the snow, maybe I'll go to my cottage in Aspen, hit the slopes. The possibilities are endless. So tell me mom, which one means more to you? This families "public image" or who I decide to fuck?" I spat out.

All I got in return was silence, my moms mouth agape and my sisters face was set in a scowl. "Hm, thats what I thought. I'll be moving out after the annual ball, that'll give you enough time to maybe figure out how to be a proper parent. And if you ever mention Kane and I's relationship again, I'll leak to the media what happened the summer of 2014." I threatened.

Everyone at the tables face paled. Anxiety filled the room. And all I could do was smile and walk out. I heard Kane trailing behind me. Neither of us spoke until we arrived to my room. Kane shut the door behind us while I walked over to my bed sitting on the edge of it. He strolled over to me, kneeling between my legs. He took my face in both of his palms.

"I'm to proud of you. You never deserved how they treated you. And i'm so proud you defended yourself." He smiled at me. I saw adortion in his eyes. My heart exploded at his words, his praise and acknowledgement of my strength filling me with happiness and appreciation. I responded with a mega watt smile but cutting it off by leaning in and landing a soft kiss on his lips. Before I could take it further Kane pulled away.

"Do you really have a place in Italy and Aspen?" He questioned. I let out a laugh

"I do have a place in aspen however I was still deciding between two villas in italy. Maybe you can help me choose?" I smiled back at him. His eyebrows raised in shock and praise.

"How come you never left? They treated you horribly for years, and you're 22. Why not leave if you didn't need their money?" His face controted in confusion. I let out a sigh knowing he'd ask. It was logical that I would have moved out, but I couldn't.

"Well, I only have the place in Aspen, and it would be terribly lonely. And I don't know how to ski." I laughed. But then my face fell and I let out a sigh, I could tell by his face he knew this wasn't the real answer. "I was scared. I have no one outside of my family. And they have very powerful enemies, I'd be an easy target. I have enemies myself. It feels like their waiting for me to be alone before they come for blood." I thickly swallowed. "But, now I have you! I won't be so lonely and I know you'll keep me safe. Also apparently I'm not as safe here as I thought." He smiled at my comment.

"I'll always keep you safe bambi" He promised. Leaning in to kiss me again.

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