Chapter 35: Too Late

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Third Person POV

A few days later while Aurora slept in her tiny prison upstairs, the forest fell to a hush.

All creatures of the night fell silent as a new predator stalked through the woods silently.

Unknowingly the house was surrounded. Snipers were set up in the tree line finding their targets stationed outside the large cabin.

On the signal of the man who organized the whole operation, all snipers silently fired their weapons.

Not a second later all the men outside collapsed to the ground dead.

Not wasting any time the men moved in quietly. Skillfully making their way towards all entry points of the house.

After another beat, they all rushed in as one swarm of destruction.

The house quickly turned into chaos as the inside guards caught on to what was happening.

Bodies dropped, and guns were shot. Knives were pulled and fists were cocked.

A determined man made his way through the house avoiding the mess around him. With confirmations of no findings ringing into his ear he headed up a flight of stairs, gun drawn.

Clearing the second floor he made his way into what appeared to be the master bedroom. The bed was unmade and he saw no sight of the girl he was after.

He cleared the bathroom but was slightly relieved when he saw familiar hair and body washes. Vanilla and coconut, her favorite scent.

She was here. Somewhere.

Hearing confirmation that the enemy was eliminated he ordered his men to search the house thoroughly.

He wondered how the guards had time to hide the small girl if they didn't know his team was coming.

Making his way back into the bedroom he checked under the bed. No luck.

He spotted another door in the room. Making his way over, twisting the knob only to find it locked.

Too impatient to find the key he took the butt of his gun and smashed it against the knob a few times before it eventually fell off. Effectively opening the door.

In the dark small space, the large man was able to make out a figure huddled on the ground.

Confused by the size, he wondered if Lars had kidnapped someone else. A child perhaps?

This person was too small to be the curvy woman he missed so much.

Hesitantly crouching down, he moved the too-familiar hair away from the slumped form's face.

His stomach sank. He wished it wasn't true. He wished he was wrong. He selfishly wished it had been someone else stuffed into the closet.

But no.

Crouched on the bottom of the small closet in Fidel position he found the woman he had been searching for nearly a year now. The love of his life. Aurora.

She was too pale. Too thin.

Kane was too late.

To be Continued.....

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