Chapter 11: Bambi

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Another restless night. However, new types of thoughts are keeping me up. My little Aurora keeps playing over and over in my bed. She looked up at me through her lashes while on the ground. Her head cocked, looking me in the eye, not many people dared to do such a thing. Not that I am any scarier looking than the next dude, but maybe because it's my actions as well that show there's something to be scared of.

Before this, I was in the mafia. Part of a smaller group in the states, but all the same. I murdered many. Blood had stained my hands and memories for years. So when I got out I chose something more low profile. But being a guard and having a gun is all I have known. I'm not a good guy, not a gentle guy. But I'll try for her. 

Her peaceful face flashing in my mind again. She looked so at home floating in the creek the other day. I was scared when she didn't come up after going under, so I nearly jumped in. But she came up and just floated. How badly I wanted to feel that bliss. Even worse, how badly I wanted to feel it with her.

Groaning, I sit up. I need to clear my head. I get up. Throwing my sweatpants on. Not bothering with a shirt. It's nearly 3am, no one is up but the patrol guards. I make my way through the wing, exiting the living room. I decide to go to the art wing again, If I can find it, that is. In all my confusion, I end up back in the same place. What the fuck. I look around, this place is a maze. And then I hear movement downstairs.

I stiffen, stalking down the stairs, slowly approaching the person walking around. Who's up right now? I peek around the corner and spot my angel entering the downstairs bathroom. I sigh in relief. Feeling excitement grow in my chest, maybe I'll run into her.

After a while, she still hasn't come out. I grow concerned. Creeping over to the bathroom, I notice she left it open a crack. The bright light spilling out of the room.

I push the door open a sliver more, so I can see in. I see her standing in front of the mirror on her tippy-toes. I laugh to myself, how adorable. My eyes travel up to her exposed legs, catching sight of her exposed lower ass from under the shirt. Damn. My eyes continue to her face reflected in the mirror. She's looking down at something, horror contorted on her face, tears streaming down. What the fuck.

Without thinking, I open the door the rest of the way and walk in. Shutting the door behind me. The sound makes her gasp and whirl around, dropping her tee back over her body. Shock evident on her face.  She stares at me with those big doe eyes, looking like a deer in the headlights. She was caught.

I stalk over to her. When I'm a few steps away, I can see just how much she's been crying.  Her face and eyes are red. Tears still poured out of her brown eyes. I hate the sight of it. She's shaking. Clutching the counter for support.

"Bambi? Are you hurt?" I ask her cautiously. I'm not sure why I call her that. Maybe because she reminds me of a scared little doe. Being stalked by a predator.
"Uh- n-"
"Don't lie to me"

"Yes" she whispered, casting her eyes down to the floor. Shifting from foot to foot. How cute she's shy.

"Can I have a look?" I ask. She looks at me, searching my face for something, she must have found what she was looking for because she nods. '
"Where are you hurt?" she looks down at her stomach.

"Can I put you on the counter to get a better look. You're so short I'd have to bend down to see." I explain. She gave another hesitant nod. I grasp her side, and she lets out a whimper of pain. Shit. I pull away. Putting my arm under her legs and the other around her back, picking her up bridal style and then placing her on the counter. More tears spill out once she's seated. What the hell happened.

"Can I?" I ask, my fingers brushing the hem of her shirt in asking for permission. She gives a small nod. Not looking me in the eyes. I slowly pull up her shirt. Being gentle, letting her stop me at any time.

I don't see anything until I reach her mid-stomach. I take a small step back in shock, sharply inhaling through my nose. There on her side is a deep purple bruise. Maring her beautiful skin. I could throw up at the thought of my angel being hurt like this. I did almost throw up. I drop her shirt and cup her face in my hands. Making her look at me.

"Who did this?"

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