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Have you ever felt bad because of a fucked up thing you've done?have you ever felt bad because Of a fucked up thing a persons done to you?I woke up at 3 AM to my phone buzzing.I checked my phone to see texts from avery and a Blocked number.I looked at it and it said that I was a whore And that vic could care less about me.Who ever it is,it doesn't matter.It kinda hurts though but oh fu.cking well it's not like I've never heard that one before.I got 4 more texts from that blocked number saying that I deserved to be dead and that Vic should stab me and that I'm a worthless skank.They just kept on sending me all this terrible stuff I would never want to hear.I felt a tear roll down my cheek.How can someone be so mean to a person who is just trying to live their life.I need to be quiet because all the guys in the band slept over so I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash my face but as soon as I walked in Tony was washing his hands in the sink.He looked at me surprised after his little jump.He noticed my tear stained cheeks and immediately hugged me without knowing what happened.

"What happen?"His tired voice asked.
"This person has been texting me all these horrible things and I don't want to read it anymore."

"It's okay let's go to your room."He grabbed my hand and rubbed it with his thumb.Tony and me walked to my room and once he opened my door,He pulled me towards the bed and told me to lay down.He took my phone and walked out my room and then came back without it.He sat down next to me and told me "None of that is true okay,Just go to sleep and don't worry about your phone."He kissed my cheek and I went back to sleep.

A/N this was either really good or really bad,do any of you guys think that Tony and calypso should be together or no?And who is the person sending her those texts?

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