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I woke up once again at 9 AM.I got up and went into the kitchen not caring about how many bad texts I have on my phone right now.I ate a Twinkie and then grabbed my phone and read through the texts that avery sent me.He sent me one of his daughter avelynne.She was taking her first steps.She was so cute.I smiled and Vic walked out of his room.He looked mad,No,beyond pissed.

"Vic what's wrong?"I asked.He shot me a glare

"You."He snapped quickly.

"Back to this again aren't we?"I made him a hot chocolate because He was probably joking.

"No,Go the fuck away.Get out of my life!"Or not.I walked up to my room and went on my laptop ignoring what vic just did.He'll calm down.I got dressed quickly and went on a quick walk.A little girl about 5 years old was at the park and was crying.I ran because She could've gotten hurt.

"Are you okay little one?"I tapped her shoulder and she looked up and shook her head no. "Why,whats wrong?"

"I can't find my daddy."She said between sobs.I picked her up and walked around with her and made her laugh for her to cheer up.

"What's your dads name?"


"Okay.Lets scream out together ready?"

"Yes."She nodded.

"1,2,3 GERARD?!"We both yelled.

"Again ready?"


"Bandit!"We both heard someone scream.

"Is that your name,Bandit?"She nodded and smiled because she knew that was her dads voice.

"Daddy?!"She yelled.

"Bandit."She saw him Run to us and Jumped off of me and ran to her dad.

"Oh bandit,I got so worried."He hugged his daughter and smiled knowing she was in his arms.I smiled at the sight.He picked her up and she pointed to me.Thats when I realized her dad was Gerard Way and she was Bandit Way.

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