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Vic's pov

3 Weeks later

Well me and Calypso have gotten along.She is cool I guess.The guys,Me and Jessie have been taking Calypso to fun places all week.We went to the beach,Fairgrounds and To the water park.

"Ok this is so fun."She says.

"Very."We all weirdly say at the same time.

"Well then little one where do you wanna eat,In n' out or McDonald's?"Jaime asks.

"In n' out."

"Good choice."I say.Tony picked her up and ran to the other side of the car we couldn't see them now.

"What are they doing?"

"Planning a prank on us."Mike says.

"Yeah,Those two are the prank team.They will do a prank on each other or with eachother."Jaime tells me.

"Why didn't I hear about this sooner?"

"It started happening when we were at fun depot and Tony and her pushed me and Jaime into the ball pit."Mike said.

"Tony put your clothes back on."I hear Calypso say."I ran in closer and when I look those two aren't on the other side of the car.I feel a person grab my shoulders making me jump.

"What!Hey,Whats up.?"I lean on the truck thing trying to get my balance.Calypso was blushing a bit and then she started laughing and Tony did too.

"Assholes."Mike and Jaime laughed over me saying the simple word.

"Come on let's go home."I say,Its nice to get along with People right?

A/N I was at the hospital that my Asthma was acting up so I forgot to update I had the chapter ready but never posted it.There you go just a filler. :-)

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