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Calypso.11 months later.Jessie hasn't called in 10 months.

"Jessie called me again."I said randomly.

"What did she say."Vic asked.I was hanging out with Vic at the house today.

"That she said hi and that she hopes Were both happy."I said.

"I need to talk to you."He told me with a serious expression.

"What happen?Dad,are you okay?"he nodded and looked at me straight in the eye.

"I've- Found a Girlfriend."He Paused."And I really like her.And I want you to meet her."

"That's great."I smiled.I was proud Vic got him a girlfriend.I walked into the kitchen and Then I heard knocking.I walked to the door and opened it.The guys were here.They hugged me as soon as they saw me.They hug me all the god damn time now.

"Hi."Tony smiled as soon as he retreated from the hug.Jaime and Mike ran straight to Vic screaming "ITS NATIONAL HUG DAY!"

"So Tony how's the Day going."I asked him putting my arm over his shoulder.We started taking steps towards where everyone else was.

"Good,hanging out with my favorite Person.hows yours?"He put his arm over my shoulder.

"Great,and Vic probably told you but he found himself a lady."I raised my eyebrows and smirked.he "oo'd"

"I know right."I smiled.We got to the living room and then Vic got a phone call.He went out the room and answered his phone.

"So any guys you've been talking to lately?"Jaime asked me.He winked.

"Yeah."I smiled.

"Who!Tell me."

"I recently had a conversation with Tony.And I'm talking to you right now."I giggled.

"No silly Like dating?"

"No,Most guys are douches,Id rather be with you guys."I look at mike.

"That's good because Tony is taking you to the mall while we paint the house."I didn't even know they were painting.

"Nigga,Yall asses never told me yall were painting."I snapped my fingers in a Z-Formation and did a hip rotation.

"But we have to start painting so Leave."Vic walked in.

"Okay then,Wait is Tony paying for all of it.Atleast let me get my Mon-"

"It's okay.Ill pay anything you want to buy."He offered.I felt rude but I accepted it.I don't want him to pay for my stuff.I grabbed some stuff,Ive been avoiding my phone lately so,that stayed.
Tony went ahead and went outside first while I said bye to the others.I opened the door and Tony was in Mikes car on his phone waiting for me.I took a moment and stared for a second.I took my eyes off him and then jumped into the car.

"So to the mall"He drove.We had both our arms on the arm rest.Our elbows touching each other.He soon noticed what I wanted or he wanted it but we interwined our fingers.I blushed lightly.Tony didn't make a sound he just looked at me the red light.It was a loving smile.He looked back at the road to turn.We were 2 blocks away from the Mall parking lot.He turned in,meanwhile I had butterflies.He was parking with my hand still in his.He never took his hand away from mine.It was weird but It was a good weird,I loved it.When I least expected it,as soon As I took off my seatbelt,I felt his lips on mine.It was Passionate and slow.I felt those butterflies flutter around my stomach.(I had butterflies just writing this)

I backed away because I had to breath.

"I had been contemplating that the whole car ride.Was that the right decision?"He asked me.

"Oh yeah it was the right one."I smiled at him.I was still blushing.And I knew he was too.I felt it

((new update yay.I have exams too so I'm physically and mentally exhausted.Exams are getting in my writing time.Hope you guys liked this chapter.


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