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"Hey,Calypso."Avery walked in and saw my face immediately.He walked towards me and then realized who I was sitting with.

"Hi."Avery said trying to be Casual.

"Hey."Gerard smiled."Haii."Bandit also smiled but she also waved.

"So Caly I have to go to get yaz's coffee so Hi and bye."He hugged me and then got in line.

"Look I kinda have to go sorry calypso."He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Pass me the pen."I gave him the pen and he grabbed my hand and put his phone number on my Palm.

"Here I'll drive you to your house."I gave him directions to my house and he quickly drove me there.

"Bye gerard,Bye bandit."I waved from the outside of his window.

As soon as I opened the door,I closed it and ran to Vic.He was sobbing and I instantly hugged him.He cried onto my shoulder and I didn't mind.

"What happen?"I asked Vic.He refused to tell So I told him to go take a nap.I walked him to his room and told him why he should be happy.

"You have Jessie."

"Not anymore."He sobbed more and more.

"Are you saying she left us?"Why would she leave me and not atleast tell me she loved me or something.I went in and grasped Vic in my arms one more time.

"Vic,I-I want you to sleep."He laid down and wiped a tear with his sleeve.

"Lay down with me.I want to talk to you first."I did as to what Vic said.

"Look Calypso.I want you to know,When I first met you.It wasn't that I didn't want kids.I just didn't want to hurt anyone and have to deal with what would happen if Jessie did this.I do want a daughter but one that's actually mine."I held back tears.

"But I can be your daughter."I said hoping he would agree.

"No it's not the same.I want one that came from me.But-"

"Well you sure have a hell of a way saying it."I said in disbelief.

"Let me finish my sentence.I want you to be my only daughter..."

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