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Calypso's POV

I kissed Tony!Tony kissed me! What!I am dreaming aren't I?Nope I am not I feel the Car moving.I hope vic didn't see anything.But Tony is like 6 years older or so.What the fuck!?Tony is the best friend of Vic,dude that is practically my Dad.

"Calypso,where do you want to go?"

"Um,The house I don't know."I said truthfully.

"Ok.Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am perfect."

"Okie,Anyways Caly have you ever watched any starwars?"Tony asks.I like that name he gave me.

"I played the old Lego game on Avery's old PS2."I say.

"Really ok you are fabulous just for that."

"You know I am fabulous cause I have been that way since like forever."I joke.

"Very."Jaime agree's giggling.

"You guys know that game assassins creed?"

"Yes."mike says.

"I want to be Ezio for holloween.Well his gender bender."

"I want to be a grim reaper thing."Tony says.

"I am gonna be a lion."Jaime says.

"I am gonna be a woman."

"I will be a some random thing I find at The Halloween store."Vic tells us

Hello casa dats mine.


"Mike I got you a date!"I scream.

"With no one."

"Oh my god I'm so excited." He yelled sarcastically.

"Yes I did and I love you so much unckie Mikey."I say sweetly.

"You deserve a hug come here."Mike pulls me into a really tight hug.

"Are you trying to kill me or hug me."I managed to say.He let go and left my room laughing.

"Assholes."I laugh.

Still thinking about the kiss,I weirdly had with Tony,isn't that weird he is like 23 and I am 16 And he has a Girlfriend and see's way prettier girls with way better personalities.Oh well.

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