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Calypso's POV
1 week later.

I had just risen from my grave,well,not grave,My bed."Wake up bitches."I heard someone walk into my room.

"What the fuck."I was having my exorcism stretches."Yeah that's right."Mike came in room clapping his hands."What happen."I asked mike."Um we are going out."He quickly replied.

"Too?"I questioned yet again.I didn't want to get up."To a festival.Gettttt upp."He begged

"Okay you little weenie."I mocked.

"Don't you mean big weenie because-"he began to speak but, I quickly cut him off.

"I'm up calm your tits.".I don't want him to finish that sentence.

"Okay I'm gonna go wake up your Dad."

"Yeah go the fuck away."I laid down again hoping he would not come in again but then Jaime came in with Tony.

"Wake up it's the garlic festival."

"Garlic festival,Whats so cool about garlic?"

"Bro Vic's a judge in the college cooking competition."Jaime said.
"Yeah,theres garlic ice cream and get this,There are rides."Tony looked excited.

"Okay I'm in."I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.Once I was done and we were ready to leave,Everyone was already ready.Mom wasnt going.She hates garlic so she refused.

"Let's go."Vic said.We all hopped in a car and left.


"We have arrived."Tony clapped.We got VIP parking because well duh they are PTV.We also got wrisbands for free.It was 3:25 and the competition begins at 3:30 so we had to run over to that tent fast.Once we had went through all those people we had made it at that tent at 3:29 with time to spare.I sooned as I laid my eyes on the contestants,there was one that caught my eye.I immeadiatly ran up to stage they were on and hugged one of them."Avery!"

"Um who are you?"Avery questioned.

"Ave?It's me calypso."I looked at him smiling.

"cals!"He literaly like squished me.He's gotten skinny and more muscular."Has someone adopted you yet?"

"yes."I smiled as soon as he put me down.


"Name the judges for me real quick."He looked confused but he still was going to name them.

"Mario Batali,Bobby Flay and Vic Fuentes."I nodded right after he said Vic.

"Vic fuentes adopted you?"He gasped.

"Well his girlfriend did but yup he is my new dad."Speaking of Vic,he came up to the stage and stood next to me.

"Calypso,who is this?"

"This is Avery.His parents fostered me before Jessie adopted me."I smiled.

"Well hello there Avery."Vic smiled.

"Cals look my fiance is down there with my duaghter.Her name is Yaiza.She has curly hair and a black shirt that says the logo of my school.Go meet her,you guys would seem like great friends."He told me.I did just as told.Apparently the competition was at 3:45.

"Hello,Yaiza?"she had really curly hair,it matches her.

"Hi Who are you?"She questioned me with her phone dancing along her fingertips.

"I'm one of Avery's friends,Um,his parents fostered me for a while."

"Fostered?"She asked me.

"My parents put me in a orphanage because I was girl,they wanted a boy."

"Oh,Well hey my name is Yaiza and this little girl over here."One of her friends who had a child in her arms passed the baby onto Yaiza and then whispered something in her ear."this is mine and Avery's Daughter Avelynne."

"Aw,i'm so proud of you guys.The whole thought that before Avery left he was like he was and still lived on to have a beautiful child of his own."I smiled and waved at little Avelynne.

"Yeah,he seems happier and more social I'm proud to be his panda."

"I'm proud your his panda.He was like a brother to me."

"Who did you come with?"

"With the judges."

"Mario or Bobby."

"None of them."

"Vic-"I nodded.

"Oh my god,No,holy shit wow."She was at lost for words."yup,Lets go sit down the competition is gonna start."

"Actually I was wondering if maybe you could help me take some photos for his yearbook?"She asked.I nodded and took out my phone and took some photos of avery and his team.Avery was smiling at first but as soon as he started to cook he was determined to win.The judges were categorized,vic was Taste,Mario was proportion and bobby was Looks and ingredients.Avery seemed to know exactly what to do and was really determined to win.I took 438 photos of the teams and sent them to Avery's girlfriend and the person in charge of the year book.Vic said it was good and tasted amazing he liked the spices and how healthy it was too.Vic gave them a ten.Mario said it wasn't too much or too little,it was just right.Mario gave them a 9.Bobby said the plate looked organized and well put but forgot the green beans.Bobby gave them a 7.In total they got 26 points.The other team got 22 points due to the plate being messy and sloppy and Vic not liking the meat.Avery soon gave me his phone number and We all went on the rides together.There were no fan girls there so Me and Vic had fun and he posted a photo of me and him on the Gravity Sucker,we also went to eat together with Avery and his family.

A/N I feel so bad because I've procrastinated over this story.But here is a new chapter.

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