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Calypso's POV

I was kinda sad that Vic dosen't like me,I didn't care mostly because as soon as I knock on the door of mikes door,Tony motherfucking perry answers the door.He was always considered the cutest in my mind along with Jaime.As soon as I registered the face of the hot guitarist I front of me I just said Hi.Thats all just Hi,He laughed and just put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me inside.

"Come on,Mikey is waiting for you."He says.

"Ok then,as I said a day ago,This is the weirdest shit ever."Tony just pulled me around the house until he found Mike,which he was in the living room.

"Ok I assuming you know who I am."

"Tony perry,Why."

"Yours?"He asked.


"That is a unique name,why can't my name be that."

"Because you already named Turtle."Mike comes in.

"Yeah Turtle no one has the name Turtle,but Tony,my last 3 foster Dads were suprisingly named Tony."I laugh.

"Anyways How's my favorite Neice?"Mike asks.

"Normal,And Neice?"

"You technically are my Neice."

"Ok then,Tony is here."I point to Tony."Where is Jaime?"I ask.

"Eager are we."Some voice randomly says behind my back.I look behind me and well speaking of the devil.

Wishes do come true,now how about the Vic one where he treats me like a human bean(No pun intended).

"Who wouldn't want to meet you?"I say keeping my arm on Tony still.

"Haters."Mike says.

"Or really nervous fans."I add.

"Or parents that think our band is satanic."Tony adds.

"And really religious Christians."Jaime joins.

"Yeah so there are some people."I say.

"So anyways Jaime,meet calypso Our Niece the one that Vic isn't liking very well."He introduced me.
"He is such an idiot,You love our band,you see Vic as a role model,You are really awesome why dosen't he like you.I volunteer as tribute to be your father."Mike raises his hands.

"Just don't take me back to that orphanage,that place smelled like shit because of how many baby's there were."

"I would not do that.Jaime,Tony and I wouldn't let that happen."

"Thanks,I really hope so."I say.

"Why don't we go to Fun depot."

"I never have been there."I say.

"What?"Tony says surprised.

"I was allowed to go to the concert because it was right there by the piece of shit,Fun depot was 2 hours away."

"Well today brace yourself for the fun."Tony puts his arms under my knees and picks me up.

"What the fuck,I felt like I was getting kidnapped for a second."I say.

"Eh,Minus well to the car."Jaime points to the door.Tony runs to the door,still with me in his arms he runs to a car.I giggling from how fun that was.

We all jump into the car,and Mike turns on the radio.The first song that was on was Bullet by Hollywood Undead.I always sing along to this song,Apparently Mike does too.

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