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Vic's POV

I wake up to my phone ringing.Mike's name lights up the screen.I tap the green button and answer it.

"What happen."

"Can I pick up calypso?"

"Who?"I ask.

"The one Jessie adopted."

"You took the Oreos didn't you?"I accuse him.

"Yes and she was in the kitchen.I like her she seems cool."

"Ok I will take her over for you."I say as I tap the red button on the screen.

"Hey babe."I look at Jessie.

"Yeah?"She turns her head over to me.

"Mike wants me to take your little friend to the guys."

"Her name is calypso,And ok."She turns her head back to the position it was.I get up and put on some shorts that were in the night stand drawers.I walk to the room that now belongs to calypso.

"Child."I say.

"Urrg."She groans.

"Get dressed."I say.

"Why?"She sits up.

"You are coming with me."I say.

"If you take me back to that fucking orphanage I will fucking shit you not,I will make kellin rape you."She says,guess she ships kellic.

"Ok calm down there child,I am dropping you of at Mikeys."I say.

"You better be also I have a name.Why can't you treat me like any other person instead of like how you are treating me now."She asks.

"Maybe it is because I don't fucking like you."I snapped.

"Well that is fucking fabulous,tell mike to pick me up."She orders me.

"I am taking you and that is final."

"Ok then Adult."She try's throwing me a comeback.

"Hurry up and take a fucking shower."I leave her room.I walk into my room and into the shower and I do my business and I get ready.


"Get out."I tell calypso.

"Bye."She says as she closes the door.

I am gonna go see my momma.

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