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Vic's POV

Me and Jessie are breaking up.She tells me she found another man and wants to stay with him instead.While calypso is out Jessie is getting a luggage case.She is going to new york.I can't fucking believe her.She is leaving calypso behind with me because she wants to stay with this man.

"Sorry Vic but I can't take you always going ahead and leaving me behind.Its to hard for me."She said to me.

"I was gonna take you on the tour coming up."I said lying.I don't know if I can.

"I still don't care.I am leaving and that's final.The rest if my stuff is for calypso.She can have it."She scolded me.

"Wait your leaving me with her."I say looking up.

"She wouldn't want to be with me.She would want to be with you."She said as she put clothes in her luggage case.She walked around the room and picked up her stuff.I don't want her to leave me.I actually fucking loved her.I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Please don't go,I loved you."I feel like if she betrayed me.She walked out the room and ran out the door.She got in her car and left me.She left me behind...

I sat on the couch and cried for a long time.Im happy everyone left(Not happy Jessie left of course) earlier so I could be alone.

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