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Vic's POV

"No I'm sorry,I didn't mean to.Ill leave now but thank you. You honestly helped me a lot today." I heard Tony through the door He whispered something I couldn't hear but I know he whispered something. I ran to the laundry room which happened to be right next to Calypso's bathroom.

It was barely 5 PM so we had to get some food. Once the coast was clear I walked to the kitchen and looked into the fridge for something I could make quickly. Absolutely nothing. "Jaime!"I yell out.

"What?" I think he's in my room with Tony and Mike playing a game.

"Come here!" I respond.

"Okay." He came running over.

"You, me and Mike have to go get food."I tell him.

"Why the three of us Vic?"

"Because Fangirls dumbass, I love them but hey two of us entertain while one gets food."

"Good idea. I'll get mike."Jaime Runs back to the dudes and I run to calypso's room and knock.

"Yeah!"She yelled. I opened her door.

"Your gonna be home alone with Tony for a while okay. We're gonna get food." I told her and she looked at me kinda pissed.

"Are you going to Walmart?"

"Yes. What do you need?"I asked her.

"Okay Um I'll send you picture of something and you must get the same exact thing."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Pa- *cough*ahds."She coughs out.

"What? Just tell me."

"Pads. Dumbass. I need pads."That was awkward.

"Oh okay, I gotcha. Um sure. What chocolate do you like more? Milk or dark?"I ask her.

"Milk but Instead get me one of those big ass bags of Starbursts."She tells me. I nod and walk out her room. That was awkward. I look back to see Jaime and Mike cracking up.

"Oh my god, Vic your so funny. 'What chocolate do you like more? Milk or dark?' Oh that's great." My younger brother mocks me.

"Learn from me. Come on let's go." I slap my brothers head and we went to the grocery store.

(A/N I would like feedback from you guys. If there are any questions just ask me and don't be afraid to hurry me up.)

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