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Once Vic got out my room I looked at my phone because it beeped. It was Lauren giving me Chris's number and asking me if I asked about going to revolutions. I had to pee so I was casually walking to the bathroom but then I heard some strange noises. Like groaning or even moaning. Aren't I home alone? No Tony is here. I walk to his While-he's-here-room and put my ear to the door. I heard groaning. Just groaning. What is he doing. should I just walk in or should I knock.

I do the smart thing of knocking.
"Yeah. Come in."He says from the other side. I open the door to see him playing wii sports. He's doing Tennis. I honestly thought he was playing with himself but not on the Wii if you know what I mean.

"So let's talk about something." He says randomly.

"What."I sit on the bed.

"School. How was it."He asks me.

"No wait let me ask something first. Why aren't you sad? You and some girl you were gonna propose to broke up."

"Because I've found someone Better than her."He tells me.

"Okay, and that's interesting but you liked her too."He paused the game and took a step closer to me. "And you loved her." He kept getting closer to me. He soon was kinda in my face and he was staring at my lips. "An-and y-you Were gon-na Propose."Im stuttering. Smooth. He leaned in and suddenly he's on my lips. He was slow but it got faster. our lips didn't skip a beat. I soon pushed away because I just can't do this. I'm 17 this dude is like 24. "Tony stop tempting me just stop please. Vic is now technically my dad now and-and I'm sorry but no."I tell him. He grabs my hand and looks at me apologetically. This is basically one of those Hispanic soap operas. But without all the murders. But hey at least my life is interesting.

"Sorry but I'm going to my room."I got up and went to my room. This is all just one big dramatic scene.

"CALYPSO!" I heard Vic yell. Well they're here. I walk down to greet my Dad, it's still weird to say it but oh well,and my uncle. Jaime was getting Tony.

"This is your Stuff."Vic hands me a bag that I immediately throw into my room.

"What's for foooood?"I ask.

"Food."Mike answers."Actually Jaime has a Quick thing he can make so just wait around until food is done." I groaned but then wanted to ask him about saturday.

"Vic my new friends want to get to know me and they want to go to revolutions Saturday can I go?"I ask him.

"Me and Mike have to do something Saturday see if Jaime will take you."I nodded and ran to Where I thought Jaime was. I asked Jaime but he said he couldn't because he was gonna take his girlfriend out,So he told me to ask Tony. I'm trying to distance myself from him for a while so he could maybe pass this. I can't have Lauren or Chris picking me up because I don't want them knowing who I live with. Tony is my only option because well they could think Tony is my dad because they won't look into his car. I walked to Tony and Asked him. He said Yes only if I do him a favor.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"You'll find out later." He told me and then walked out. I walked back to my room and stayed there until I was called to eat.


We all just ate and while everyone was playing there games I went to my room and texted Chris for a while.Jaime walked in and jumped on my bed and landed next to me.

"Who's that." He asked me.

"A kid from school, His name is chris."I tell him.

"Wow only at that school for 4 days and you have a boyfriend already."He mocks me.

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