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My first day at school was weird.It's Thursday and I started Monday. I never was in a public school. It was a private school I used to go too. But that Eric kid was funny. He was awkward.

I met a kid named Chris who is the Popular one.He's also a player, but he is a great friend. He won't hit on you if he actually wants to be friends with you.I met a girl named Lauren she's so awesome. She's already invited me to a party this afternoon. She is really cool. But I said no.

"Everyone is so nice here."I said to Lauren,we were in our 3rd class so far. she has like 5 classes with me. this class was Science. Ms.Tennant,The teacher, was young probably in her Mid 20's she was really nice though. She told me she liked me the moment I walked into her classroom. It was weird being in a public school though. In the school I used to go to The teachers were rude,you were lucky if you got an awesome one which would rarely happen. This school was cool though. Everyone liked me and I liked everyone. I became friends with this girl name Hannah. She was so nice. She was always talking about some book she read. And her sister Katie was cool,She liked all the bands I knew.I didn't tell her about being the adopted daughter of a band member because well there is always that fanfic where this chick is only the main characters friend just because she knows the band and uses her. But, Me and Katie clicked right away. We rode the same bus because well Vic didn't want to drive me. but We had a few classes together.

"So me and Chris were thinking of going to this place called revolutions On Saturday and we want to get to know you so If you mom and dad say yes we can pick you up and we head over there." Lauren told me.

"They have bowling and pool and a arcade."Chris added. I've been here for a while but I haven't been there. I see with Vic.

"Yeah I'll ask.Im sure my dad will say yes. Did I ever get your numbers?"

"No.Here I have Chris's so Get mine and then I'll text you Chris's Okay?"

"Sure. Do that." I give Lauren a slip with My number.and we continue with our school work.


Once the day ended, We all said good bye and me and Katie hopped into a seat next to each other while Hannah sat with her friend. The day was long but well This is the first time I've been to a school that's not half bad. Luckily I'm not in the dramatic friend group where it's always about what whore Timmy tucked his dick into. Me and Katie exchanged numbers and we said our byes at her stop. I sat in the bus playing with my hair until I got to my stop. I soon got to get out the bus and go home to my precious PlayStation.

I saw Vic, Jaime, Tony and Mike gathered on the couch. They seemed a bit sad. Wait they seem to be comforting a Broken tony.

"Hello amigos, Where's the smile from you guys."They all looked at me.What the f.uck don't I know? What happen to My Tone Bone?

"What happend?"I look at Tony he looked Worse than Vic,Mike and Jaime.

"I-I don't want to say it." Tony stutters. Jaime gets up from the couch and pulls me to another room.

"What happen to tony?"

"Well his now ex girlfriend called it off. And he was gonna propose to her."

"Why did she do that to Tony."

"You do know she was a pornstar right? Well Tony told her that she would have to quit that if they got married and she said she won't because she loves it more than him. and well Tony Said there's more but he doesn't want to say it." Jaime informs me. I nod trying to hide how mad I am at that whore.

"Okay then."

"Look Tony really liked her well hell loved her and just try to comfort him the most you can. Your a chick and probably can do it better than us so Go use your Senses and help the Tone bone feel better."

"Okay, I will. he didn't need that whore anyways." I laugh while walking out to tony. I say right next to him.

"Tony, Look at me right now." He doesn't move away from his hands. Vic and mike get up real quick once they realize there way is helpless."look at me hey.Look at me come on."He looks at me and I see how hurt he is by looking into his eyes.

"It's okay. You know what's good about a break up?"I ask him.

"Nothing." He mumbles.

"Hey head up." I tell him when he tries lowering his head. "It's one step closer to the one your gonna be with forever." I tell him and I smile. "You need to look at it As the bright side Baby." Did I really say baby. Oh my god. Just gonna keep talking.

"But I really liked her. I even bought the ring."

"Do you think she still deserves the ring after what she did?"

"It's not what she did its what I did."

"Then tell me what happend?"

"Not here can we go your your room."

"Sure Tony. Allons-Y."I say hoping to get a laugh out of him.He looked at me puzzled. "means "Lets go" in French."He chuckled a bit. that's what I wanted to see. He sat On my bed and I stayed at my door for one second to see if the boys where Eavesdropping.I opened the door and I saw the three doing what I knew they were doing.

"Can't you guys give him privacy. Go away. If I open this one more time to see you guys there I will March into your room and Put your dick picks on Instagram. I'll do it. I won't mind seeing your dicks. Literally but go away." I tell them and I watch them walk down the stairs. I close and lock my door and sit next to Tony.

"tell me what you supposedly did."

"I told her To quit her job of being a Pornstar if we got married. and it's something she likes doing." he tells me as if it's a bad thing.

"Yes because it's a bad thing to not want your wife to be on a Sex film with some other dude. Of course you gonna want her to your self and if she can't accept that. She's not someone you should be with. I wouldn't want to be married to some dude who flashes his junk on camera and fucks sluts for a camera." I told him. That's nothing to be guilty about.

"If it's something she loves she shouldn't have to stop." He tells me.

"Just finish telling me what happened."

"Okay so she then tells me it's something she loves. I told her I didn't like it and she told me she didn't care and That she wants to break up with m-me." He starts the cry and I Hug him.

"It's okay Tony." I walk to my door quickly and see the three dudes again at my door Eavesdropping.

"Go away please. stop being nosy and mind your business." I walk back to Tony and Sit next to him.

"Have you ever had a boy friend?" He asks me.

"No,I never had one yet I know so much because of other people's experiences."I told him.

"Well don't have one."

"Why." I ask

"Because this."He leans in and kisses me.I hesitated but then kissed back.I pulled away and got up.

"Stop You just want Comfort. and not thinking straight."I tell him.

"No." He gets up and Kisses me again but holds my head so I cant Escape.

"Stop your not thinking your just craving comfort."

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to.Ill leave now but thank you. You honestly helped me a lot today." He started to whisper ."just don't tell Vic or any of them what just happened. Im sorry." He leaned in and kissed my cheek and then left me blushing.

(a/n do you guys approve of this yes or no. As a writer I would really like feedback from you guys so I know what to fix when it comes to my writing. Please comment what you think I should change or what I shouldn't change at all. I would really appreciate it so I can become a better writer.

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