10: My Inspiration, A Villain

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-Sena(y/n) POV-

It was the last day of my stay in Kyushu for Hawk's internship. After our encounter the previous night, I didn't feel the need to accompany him to his hero duties and sought to take the train home early. I walked into his agency in the morning to say goodbye.

I stood in the open room where I had first met him. I looked out to the balcony to see he had just landed. The sun seemed to beam down on him, his wings reminded me of a phoenix. Various loose feathers were carried into the room by the breeze as he entered.

"Leaving so soon?" He glanced helplessly around the room.

"It's better this way. I got a long train ride ahead of me anyway." I told him with a shrug.

He sighed as he narrowed the space between us. "Listen to me. I really am sorry for-" I placed my pointer finger onto his lips, shutting him up.

"-It's okay." I smiled at him while lowering my finger. "I know why you did what you did. You were honest, that's all that matters. Because of you, now I know to be extra careful since there is an investigation going on around me." I explained. I could tell by his expression he was shocked as he let out a breath of relief. "Like how I can trust you, you can trust me." I peered into his eyes.

"Yeah. Okay. I'd like that." He returned the smile.

I glanced around the room, making sure no one was nearby. "What does that investigator want?" I asked in a whisper.

I watched as he tensed up. "... They're building a file." He looked to the ground when speaking to me. "I don't think they seriously suspect you of anything. Just after what you did at the sports festival, they're looking into you." He revealed in a hushed voice. I could feel my heart rattle in my chest.

"Thank you."

We exchanged a hug and then I was gone. On my way back home, I thought about why I had decided to forgive him. While I did care for him as a friend, there was no way I would trust him again, but that didn't stop me from acting as if I did. The way I saw it, it was better to have someone on the inside of this investigation. Someone who could watch my back, tell the other side's secrets, and let me know if something comes up. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. I reasoned to myself. Besides, he's hot.


I arrived back home just in time for dinner. Upon my arrival, my mother ran outside and hugged me as soon as I was out of the car. Yoshio didn't seem to feel the need to welcome his stepdaughter home after her week away. I left my bags for Satsuki to handle. My mother practically forced me into the profligate sitting room. We sat on the clean white sofa while she poured me a cup of tea.

"So, how was it? Oh, you must tell me everything!" Her smile brightened the entire room. Being in her presence wrapped me in a wave of comfort.

"It was amazing! I actually got to fly around! In the city!" I rejoiced. "Hawks is just as good as they say he is. Even better, actually."

"Where did he take you?"

"We flew all over Kyushu. I handled a disaster scene where I searched for people in a building that collapsed. I stopped a couple of petty thieves, and I flew! Mom, I got to fly!" I raved.

"I remember you always wanted to do that." She reminisced fondly. "Oh, I'm so glad you had a nice time."  She took a sip of her tea.

Everywhere we went my mother was the most beautiful woman in the room. I was a close second. I had inherited her golden blonde hair but not her icy blue eyes that had enchanted Yoshio into marrying her. I had always believed you could see a person's soul in their eyes. On rare occasions, when my mother would get upset with me, she would tell me I have eyes just like my father's. The brown of my eyes felt the dirtiest in those moments.

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