32: Renegade ▪️▫️

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Song For This Chapter: Skylar Grey - Wreak Havoc


There were sirens in the distance.

He gazed out the wall of a window that looked over Musutafu and found the many helicopters that swarmed above the city like flies. They were looking for her. He had been notified, along with the rest of the UA staff, but he didn't know if the students had heard the news.

A consistent vibrating grabbed his attention among the dings and beeps from his phone. Aizawa answered the call. "Hey. Any updates?"

"Hawks is within the city, and we've called in Dragon hero Ryukyu and Gran Torino," Tsukauchi answered.

"Those are some big names. I can't help but wonder if all this is necessary."

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"What's to say she goes dark and doesn't show her face again? I wouldn't wanna waste anyone's time searching skies when she's hidden in a building somewhere." Aizawa reasoned.

"I share your concerns, but we think it's best to strike while the iron is hot, while we know she's in Musutafu. She's a renegade now; she'll want to make a spectacle like most villains. We'll catch her when she does." Tsukauchi reassured confidently. "She was seen flying alone downtown thirty minutes after the Kashiwazaki house fire. Our guess is she's already killed Kashiwazaki. If she has, that's sixteen murders within two hours, and that's just the ones we know about. That's why I insisted on those big names." He explained.

Aizawa sighed, watching the leaves rattle on the trees beyond the glass. That was his student, out in the world, taking innocent people's lives. "Do you know where she's going next?" He questioned.

"I was going to ask you the same thing... It's a toss-up whether she'll flee to wherever Shigaraki is or continue with the people who have supposedly wronged her, and you know what that means." He alluded.

Aizawa's eyes drifted to Class 1-A's classroom door, and his breath froze in his chest. "I trust you alerted the school already?"

"Of course, that was the call before you. But we'll have most of our resources circling UA, so I doubt she'll make it that far."

"That girl has been doubted her whole life, whether that be in her power or sincerity. Even I doubted her, and look where we are now."

Aizawa reminisced on the beginning of the school year when he had first met his class. It was typical for recommendation students to stick out, but a recommendation student with an infamous father was something he had never seen in his career. Sure she was strong, and her quirk was developed to a point that most students don't see until their final year, but that wasn't why she stuck out. Though she fared well with the others, she was always on the edge, in danger of tipping off. She had characteristics and qualities unlike the others, and that's why she stuck out.

She had seen death, and it showed.

"Thank you for the update. Please call again with anything else. I'll still be teaching, but I'll have my phone on me." Aizawa told him.

"I will. And Shota, I'm sorry that this is where we are now." Tsukauchi apologized.

His grip on the phone tightened as the frustration with himself kicked in. "I am too."

They said their goodbyes, and Aizawa hung up the phone. With heavy steps and a heavier heart, he approached the classroom door. When he slid it open, he stepped into the thick air and looked at his student's powerless, tense faces as they held their phones in their shaking hands.

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