25: Bend, Don't Break

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Song For This Chapter: Melanie Martinez - Nurse's Office


The exterior of The Kashiwazaki residence was well-lit by the warm lamposts that lined the driveway up the front of the manor. The sun had not yet broken the horizon, and the cool blue sky cloaked the world in calm darkness. Crickets chirped within the defined shrubbery as birds cooed their morning song, hidden in the branches. Nature was still waking up, and all was at peace.

Light footsteps knocked against the uniformed brick as she approached the front door with Igarashi Tora's disembodied head clutched in her left hand. Her slender fingers firmly gripped the roots of the head's tangled red hair, and she casually swung it as she swayed up the drive, her long blonde hair blowing behind her.

When she reached the grand steps leading to the flamboyant manor's front door, she lifted the head to be eye-level with herself. She studied the sickly pale skin that had begun to look patchy like leather, the glassy eyes that were frozen in time with a horrified expression, and the mouth that hung open, releasing a foul smell from within.

She offered a kind smile. "Thanks for keeping dad outta prison."

Sena's eyes lit up red, and her Telekinesis carried the head feet from the front door to where she set it down gently on the porch's floor. Without another word, she picked herself up and shot herself off into the shadows. She entered the bar through the warp gate in mere minutes, where the League sat, patiently waiting.

"Yay, you're back!" Toga rejoiced with an excited hop.

Shigaraki glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as he moved a playing card through his nimble, long fingers. "All is well?"

Sena smiled and nodded eagerly. "I could of did that in my sleep!" She boasted.

Shigaraki sighed longingly as his gaze returned to his deck of cards. "Could have..." He mumbled to himself woefully. He shook his head, dismissing the thoughts that plagued him. "You made sure you went through the front gate?"

"Of course I did." Sena brushed off as she bounded over to Toga where they started joking with each other in hushed whispers.

"The security camera will have surely seen her then," Kurogiri murmured to Shigaraki from across the bar.

"Then that level is done then." Shigaraki sighed, standing up from the bar stool. "We're done with her. Twice, get rid of it." He ordered as he started off to the door.

"Aw, come on boss! She hasn't even been here that long!" Twice whined his plea. "Right on it boss! No! She's so young!" He dramatically cried.

"I don't wanna hear it." Shigaraki retorted, dismissing the idea.

Toga skipped over to Shigaraki's side. "Come on; It's nice having her around again. Besides," She leaned in closer. "You could always talk to her to make yourself feel better-"

Shigaraki suddenly pivoted round and launched off the hardwood floor with his hand extended. His palm met Sena's face, and within a second, her body exploded into bits of dust that melted into thick mud that plastered the bar's floor. He stood within the clone's mucky remains, anger steaming off of him as he glared at the mud below. He spun round and stormed toward the door.

"If it's not the real thing-" He yanked the door's handle open. "-I don't want it." Shigaraki slammed the door shut.


-Sena(y/n) POV-

I couldn't breathe, no matter how hard I tried. He chased me through the dark alleyways on my tail, but gravity hung on me like molasses, and I ran in slow motion. He caught me with his serrated claws. I turned around to look upon his monstrous face.

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