22: Falling For You ▪️

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Songs For This Chapter: Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory/ DPR IAN - So Beautiful


When it came to sit-down dinners, Sena was never really a fan. Tedious and dull conversations tainted the mouthfuls of food meant to be enjoyed. With the league, however, it wasn't like that. With them, it was as if nothing was off-limits. She could say whatever she was thinking or feeling, no matter how outlandish, sadistic, or unlawful, and there were no consequences. After all, they already knew the worst of her sins, but they were hardly sins to them. To them, her sins were just her past, not who she was as a person. They accepted her in a way she felt society never could.

After their bellies were full and the dishes were done, Tomura had Kurogiri pour everyone a round of shots for the success of the support gear mission. When Tomura downed his shot of whiskey, Sena found herself amused by how easily he did so. "I knew you were an alcoholic!" She exclaimed while pointing at him.

"I don't know if you know this, but drinking alcohol and being an alcoholic are two different things," Tomura replied, his lips slightly upturned into a grin.

"Boss, can we get another round?" Spinner asked from the booth.

"Yeah, I think we deserve it for all you've put us through." Dabi walked up to the bar. "I mean, just being around you is bad enough."

"Shut up staple face. You're the most deformed here." Sena retorted in defense of Tomura, who nodded in approval of her quip.

"Alright. Another round, except for Dabi." He announced. The group chuckled. Tomura's eyes found Sena's bubbly giggle.

"You're kidding ... Right?" Dabi asked.

When Kurogiri was pouring the alcohol for Sena's and Toga's, Tomura raised his hand for the mist to disappointingly stop mid-shot glass. Sena glanced from him to Kurogiri, dissatisfied. "Uh, fill me up."

"Yeah, what gives?" Toga asked as she rested her chin on Sena's shoulder.

"You don't need any more than that." Tomura declared, shooting her a glance from the stool next to her.

She swiveled the stool to face him. "I want more than that, okay? Everyone else got what they wanted!" She retorted.

"Because everyone else can handle their liquor." Dabi chided as he leaned against the jukebox that hummed a song that rocked Sena's bones.

"Shut up." She scowled at him. He returned to his conversation with Spinner, who sat in the booth near him.

"Yeah, I don't need you and psycho flinging each other into the jukebox again," Tomura replied, followed by a chug of his glass.

"Okay, first of all, Spinner literally passed out, and second, we didn't fling each other; we were literally fine." Sena giggled while glancing at Toga, who was then dancing with Twice in the center of the room to the light music. She crossed one leg over the other.

"It's not good for your wound." Tomura reasoned, folding his arms on the bar.

"Ugh. And you called me not fun." Sena whined as her temple met the chill of the bar's counter.

"I'm just telling the truth." He raised his glass to his lips.

"Whatever, dad." She teased.

His sip was interrupted with a cough. After he pounded his chest a few times and the coughing subsided, "Don't call me that," He said.

A devilish grin crossed Sena's lips as she slowly pulled herself back up. "I didn't mean it like that." She leaned toward him, resting her head in her hand. "What did you think I meant? Oh, don't worry, I get it. Some people like being called daddy-" She erupted into a laugh.

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