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Chloe walked into the kitchen and frowned as she jack. He had a look on his face and she was worried and scared as she didn't know what to think over it all, Chloe knew that she was trying so hard to keep her and mick hidden but it was far from easy especially when Chloe knew that she was pregnant

"what's going on" Chloe asked as jack looked to her and frowned

"we need to talk, we need to talk over what is going on" jack said as Chloe looked to her father and frowned. She was worried by what he meant as she knew that it scared her.

"What do you mean" Chloe asked as jack sighed

"I need to tell you something and you are probably going to be worried but it's your mum l jack said as Chloe looked to him and frowned at the mention of Ronnie

"is she okay"

"yeah but she is getting out soon and I know that you haven't seen her for a while but i thought I should Warn you, this effects you and I don't know if you still want to see her" jack said as Chloe looked to him and frowned.

Chloe didn't knew what to think or say over the whole situation

Chloe lay in bed with mick as he looked to her and smiled "Chloe are you okay" he asked as Chloe turned to face him and sighed

"I'm okay, my head is a mess over my um and the pregnancy and I don't know what to think" Chloe said as mick placed a hand on her stomach and smiled

"I know that you are torn over your mum and o know what she did and how awful it was but she is your mum but only you can make the decision if you want to know her and the pregnancy I know it's a mess and we didn't plan this but I am here for you, if you want to keep the baby we can do this together and we can try and find a way to make it work and I know it won't be easy but I am here for you, I love you Chloe and this is my baby too. Just take your time and when you are ready the decision will come" mick said as Chloe rolled over to face mick and smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him passionately

"what would I do without you" Chloe said as they held a look, Chloe knew how things were with them

Chloe sat in the kitchen and smiled as esme walked in "what are you doing here" Chloe asked as esme looked to her and smiled

"your dad called he told me you know over mum and I know it's hard and you feel torn over it all but I am here and I am your sister sister and I promise I am here for you and you are not alone and we will get through this together" esme said as Chloe looked for her and smiled.

Chloe had no idea how she felt over it all but she knew one thing and it was going to get a lot more complicated when Ronnie got out and Chloe had no idea If she was prepared for it

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