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Chloe walked through the square. She knew that she had promised Amy that she would spend some time with her and she knew that she didn't want to let her little sister down.

Chloe glanced across the square and frowned as she saw Esmè and jack who were arguing. She didn't like the feeling that she was getting especially since Amy told her over Esmè taking a pregnancy test. Chloe walked over to where they were and looked to them

"whats going on?" Chloe asked as jack and Esmè held a look

"nothing, come on" jack said as he walked over to her and lead her off. Chloe looked to jack and frowned

"what was that over?"

"Esmè, she wants to see you but I a, hot letting the Mitchell near you" jack said as Chloe looked to him and frowned

"she's my sister and I am a Mitchell and you can't punish them, for what mum did" Chloe said as they walked off to the house. Jack looked to her and smiled

"I know I jut don't want you in anymore trouble chlo, I am trying to do the right thing and be your dad. I am not trying to ruin your life unlike you think" jack said as Chloe looked to him and rolled her eyes

"whatever" Chloe said as she walked off into the living room

Chloe saw Amy and smiled "will you do my hair" Amy asked as Chloe looked to her little sister and smiled. Chloe knew she might not be able to see Esmè but Amy was also her sister and she needed to spend time with her

"sure, why not. But I'm going out later and I don't need dad to know" Chloe said

"do my nails as well and I'll cover for you" Amy said as Chloe looked to her and smirked

"we might make a Mitchell of you yet" Chloe said as Amy walked over to her as Chloe started to do her hair, Chloe knew that things were a mess and she couldnt stop thinking over just what was going on with Esmè and jack but she knew that she had to get to the bottom of it.

There was something that wasn't quite right about it all and Chloe felt uneasy about it all. She knew that she was going to do what she could to find out the truth.

Chloe walked through the square as she got to the station as she saw micks car. She looked to him and smirked as she got in "where are we going?"

"I wanted to spend some time with you and you said that you wanted to be distracted" he said as she looked to him and smirked

"oh I do" she said as he looked to her and smirked. He started to drive off as she looked to him and smirked. Chloe and mick soon got to a hotel.

She smirked as she walked into the room with him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smirked as he pulled her close and kissed her, he pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her as they made out passionately.

They stripped off as she moved up the bed. Her hands ran through his hair as they kissed passionately as he got between her legs.

He pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. Chloe kissed him passionately unaware as they were having sex that Esmè happened to be doing the same thing with her father

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