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Chloe woke up and frowned to herself. She felt an arm around her waist and frowned. She rolled over and frowned as she saw mick carter in bed next her. Chloe lay her head back on the pillow as she looked around her room and saw the clothes that were scattered around the room. She knew that she had a drink the night before but she wasn't drunk. She knew what she was doing when she slept with him. Chloe knew that they weren't in the best frame of mind when it happened but it did happen and nothing could change that. Chloe sat up and sighed as she looked to mick. Chloe started to get dressed. She looked to mick as he sat up, he looked to her and smiled. Neither of them said a word. Chloe looked at her appearance in the miror and sighed as she saw what a mess that she looked. Mick walked over to her and sighed "is there anyone out there?" He asked as she slipped on a pair of pjs and sighed "I'll have a look come on" she said.

She lead him out of the house. She lead him to the door and sighed. Neither of them could say anything "I'm sorry, I know I'm acting off but Linda and I have been together for years, and I hate myself because I ended up in bed with you and I don't regret it" he said as she looked to him and frowned "do you mean that?" She asked as he nodded "I really do" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Chloe wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as they made out passionately before he pulled away "I still want you but I need to go" he said as Chloe looked to him and nodded.


Chloe walked through the square as she saw jack. She walked off as he caught up to her and looked to her "dad, back off will you" Chloe said as jack looked to her and frowned "no, where were you last night, I already talked to your mum and I know that you weren't there. I heard you coming in at one" jack said "it was Friday night I was out having fun" she said as he looked to her and sighed "it's unacceptable Chloe, your grounded until you can do as your told for once. Come on, home" jack said as Chloe looked to him and groaned. She walked off to the house with jack as she saw mick. They made eye contact for a moment as she looked to him and smirked. She knew that there was still a spark between them


Chloe got to Ronnie and smiled as she saw Esmè. She looked to her sister and smiled as she sat next to her "mum is on the warpath with you" "don't start my dad already has. Are you okay" Chloe asked Esmè who looked to her and nodded "I'm worried Over you, your acting out of control at the minute" Esmè said as Chloe smiled "I'm fine" Chloe said. Little did Chloe knew Esmè was being off all because she had slept with jack and was hiding it from everyone.

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