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Chloe felt numb. All that she knew was that she had been broken. Dean had raped her and she felt sick. She hated it. She felt dirty and she felt as if she couldn't breathe.

Chloe sat in the floor of the shower. She needed to try and get clean but all that she felt was sick. She felt dirty and she hated it. Chloe felt a tear roll down her cheek

She didn't know what to do. She just felt numb. She knew just how good that things were going with her and mick and how she felt as if things were going well and she hated it

Chloe stood up from the floor and looked to the bruises in her wrists and her hips. She was trying to stay strong but it wasn't easy. Chloe walked into her room and changed. She looked to the clothes that she was wearing when she was raped and placed them in a carrier bag and hide them under her bed

Chloe climbed into her bed and sighed. She saw texts off of mick and sighed. She knew how messy that things were. Chloe lay back in bed as she looked to see her bedroom open and looked to see jack and smiled

"I never heard you come home. Are you okay" he asked as she nodded

"I'm fine dad" she said as jack looked to her. He wasn't stupid. He knew his daughter and he knew when there was something going on with her

"Look I know how things are and I know it hasn't been easy but I am your dad and you can always talk to me" jack said as Chloe stood from the bed and walked over to him and hugged him

Jack looked to her and frowned as he hugged her back. He knew something was up with her

Chloe walked through the square. She saw Dean with Shirley and felt sick. She turned around and walked back home and frowned as she saw Esme and frowned as she looked to her sister

"Chloe" Esme said as Chloe turned to face her and sighed

"What" Chloe asked as Esme frowned

"What's up with you and don't say nothing as I know you and I know when there is something going on with you, you can't lie to me. I'm your sister" Esme said as Chloe joined to her

Chloe knew how she wanted to forget what had happened and she knew it wasn't easy "I'm fine...look you don't need to worry over me I am fine" Chloe said as Esme looked to her sister and frowned

Esme wasn't stupid and she knew her sister and knew when something was going on

Chloe answered the door to the house and smiled as she saw mick "hey I haven't seen you lately. I wanted to see how you are" he asked as she smiled

"I'm okay" she said as he walked inside. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he looked to her and placed a hand on her cheek

"There's something up with you angel. I know you and I can tell that your not yourself" mick said as Chloe looked to him and smiled.

She knew how she wanted to make it work with him and she wanted to tell him what had happened and what Dean had done but she didn't want to break his family apart

Chloe knew how she was scared and she hated it. "We're going to be okay i promise" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her but with Chloe feeling broken over what had happened how long could she keep what had happened to her to herself?

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