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Chloe walked out of the branning house. She saw Ronnie as she headed in her direction

"can I talk to you?" And asked as Chloe sighed

"I'll get in trouble" Chloe said as Ronnie smiled

"ten minutes come on let's go to the cafe" he said as she looked to her and nodded.

"I have and and do I can't be late but okay" Chloe said. Chloe walked into the cafe and sat in the corner and sat down, she looked to Ronnie as she ordered a milkshake for Chloe

"I know that your sixteen and not a child but your still my. Hold and so is Esme but I know Jack has been whispering in your ear" Ronnie said as Chloe looked to him

"it's not him it's what you did. How could you do that. Take a baby let us all fall in love with him. Let kat think her baby was dead" Chloe asked as Ronnie dodged

"I wasn't thinking I don't have an excuse but I'm sorry, I'm sorry I hurt you and let you down" Ronnie said as Chloe ran her hands through her hair and looked to him

"what do you expect me to do forgive and forget as I can't. You have no idea what it was like to be your daughter while you were inside. You don't know what it's like for me. I can't do this" Chloe said as she stood up and walked out of the cafe as she saw Esme


"Don't please. I have to go to school" Chloe said as Esme nodded

"let me drive you" she said as Chloe looked to her and nodded

Chloe got back to the square as she walked out of the chippy. She saw mick as he sat on Arthur bench as she walked over to him and sat next to him

"You okay" she asked as she looked to him and smiled as she saw him playing with his wedding ring

"I signed the papers. It's just a lot. It's not that I still love her. Your the one I want and I wish we could easily be together but it's more complicated then that" mick said as Chloe smiled

"I get it. She's the mother of your children and all and I'm basically a kid but I love you mick and I know how my dad will react but you. Your worth it" she said as he smirked

"Gove me a chip you minx" he said as he grabbed her and pulled her to him as they sat there eating chips

Chloe stood with Amy and smiled as she looked to her phone as she saw a text off of mick "£20 and cover for me for the night?" She asked her younger sister

"Deal" Amy said

Chloe walked off through the square "oi" she heads dean say as jee turned to face him and frowned

"What do you want?" She asked as he smirked

"You what do you say we have some fun" he said as she frowned. She felt sick near him

"Go away" Chloe said as she went to walk off as mick walked over seeing dean grab her arm

"Leave her alone" mick said as dean walked off as mick looked to Chloe and smiled

"Come here" he said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close

"In front of everyone?" She asked as he smiled

"I don't care" he said as he leant in and kissed her passionately as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as they kissed passionately

Chloe knew how she was truly happy. She knew how everyone was going to know over them and she didn't care but she had no idea how something was about to happen which would end of breaking her

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