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Chloe knew how she was struggling with everything that had happened. She knew what Dean has done and how he had got in her head and she hated it. She hated the control that he had over her

Chloe hated it all and she knew that she just wanted everything to be okay with them. Chloe lay in bed and sighed. She had hardly slept. She felt dirty all of the time and she felt sick. She felt as if she had lost who she was and she hated it

Chloe knew that she had been putting a distance between her and mick. She knew how she didn't want him to find out what had happened and she was scared to be around him as he knew that there was something up with her

Chloe looked to see Esme as she walked into the room and looked to her and rolled her eyes

"What do you want"

"Charming I love you too. I know how you haven't been yourself lately. I wanted to see how you are. How you are dealing with things. I know how it can't be easy" Esme said

"You don't know the half of it" Chloe said as she stood from her bed. Esme looked to her and frowned as she saw the bruising on her

"Was this mick" Esme asked as Chloe looked to her and frowned

"What now. I banged it. Mick would never hurt me. He's the best guy ever" Chloe said as Esme looked to her sister

Esme wasn't stupid. She knew that there was something going on with chloe and she knew how she wasn't herself at all. She had been off and she wasn't herself and she was worried. Esme knew how chloe was hiding something and she wasn't going to open up over it but she was going to find out the truth somehow

Chloe walked through the square "hey" she heard some be say as they grabbed her waist as she jumped and looked to see mick and smiled

"I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"Tired I'm not keeping too well"

"Well why don't you come other Linda has Ollie and maybe I can help you sleep" he said

"I can't I'm on my period" chloe said. She knew how she was lying. She knew how sex and the thought of it made her ill

Chloe knew how she and mick were the couple that was constantly having sex and she knew that he was getting suspicious

"Okay we'll maybe we can spend some time together I miss you" he said as chloe looked to him. He grabbed her waist as she looked to him and smiled

"I'd like that" chloe said as he smiled

Chloe got back home and sighed. She sat in the living room and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. She knew how none of it was easy

She looked as she saw jack "do you want to tell me what's going on with you" jack asked as he looked to him daughter

He wasn't stupid and he had seen a change in her

"I'm fine"

"No Chloe you are not fine. There's something going on with you and I know it" jack said as Chloe sighed. She picked at her nails before she looked to him

"You know that you can tell me anything" jack said as he sat next to her as Chloe sighed

"I don't know what to do"

"Talk to me"

"I think I may be pregnant" Chloe said. She knew how this was going to change everything

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