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Chloe walked into the flat of the vic and frowned "mick...Are you here?" She called as she looked to her phone and rolled her eyes as she saw that jack was calling her. She declined the call and ran a hand through her hair

She looked up and smirked as she saw mick as he stood in the doorway of the bedroom

"What are you looking at?" She asked as he smirked

"You. I think that you are wearing to much clothing" he said as Chloe rolled her eyes

"What do you expect me to do. Have sex in your marital bed and have your wife catch us?" She asked as he walked over to her and smirked

He leant her against the bannister and kissed her passionately

"It wouldn't be the first time and Linda is gone. She moved out. So it's just you and me" he said as Chloe looked to him and smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he lead her to the bedroom

He pushed her onto the bed and smirked as he looked to her and smirked as they Stripped off.

Chloe moaned as he climbed on top of her and pulled her close. He got between her legs and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her. Chloe dug her nails into him and pulled him close as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her

Chloe rolled over in bed and groaned as she grabbed her phone and looked to it "I have to go. It's Esme. My dad is about to send a search party for me" Chloe said as she turned to face him and leant in and kissed him

He moaned into the kiss as she pulled away and looked to him as she started to get dress as he lay watching her

"It's going to be okay. We can make it work" he said
As she smiled

Chloe got back to the branning house as she saw jack and sighed

"Where have you been" jack asked

"I was out with friends that's all" Chloe said as jack looked to her and nodded

"You weren't with glue mother were you as I told you to stay away from her" jack said as Chloe looked to him and sighed

"I haven't seen her i swear. I'm going for a shower" Chloe said as she walked off as jack looked after her and frowned he knew she was hiding something

Chloe sat in her room as she sat texting mick and lookec to see Esme as she walked in

"I know that your up to something and so does your dad and trust me, you want to be careful as he is determined to find out what it is" Esme said as Chloe looked to him and sighed

"Nothing is going on" Chloe lied as esme smiled. Chloe knew the risk over her and mick and she knew now that jack was becoming suspicious it was going to become much worse

But Chloe had no idea how her life was about to become destroyed

Tempting passion *eastenders*Where stories live. Discover now