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Chloe walked into the house and closed the door, she sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. She frowned as she saw Amy as she walked down the stairs "what are you smirking at?" Chloe asked

"I have something to tell you"

"and what would that be?" Chloe asked as she crossed her arms over her chest as jack walked out of the living room. He frowned as he looked to Amy and Chloe

"Amy, go to your room" jack said as Amy looked to him and sighed.

"You, in here now" jack said as Chloe looked to him and rolled her eyes. She walked into the living room and sighed as she sat down. She kicked her trainers off and looked to jack as he walked in and looked to her

"it's eight in the morning, do you want to tell me where you were all night?" Jack asked

"oh, you care. I was out, I stayed with a friend" Chloe said as jack looked to her and frowned

"I don't care Chloe, I don't care who you were with. I care that you are going off of the rails, your mother is in prison and it's not my fault but I am trying to do what is best for you and look after you.

But this needs to stop, this staying out all hours of the day" jack said.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "I didn't realise you cared so much. You're the one who is stopping me from seeing my mum. You're the one stopping me from seeing Esmè. Who I might add is my older sister. What am I meant to do? Be lonely?" She asked.

Jack sighed. "Look. Esmè is a Mitchell. And they're not the best people."

"That's rich. You screwed a Mitchell. And I was born. You screwed a Mitchell and Amy was born. Need I go on?" She asked.

"Stop it. Just go and get in the shower."


Jack looked up as Amy walked in. She smiled. "Im going to tell Chloe about you and Esmè having sex."

Jack looked at her. "No. You can't do that."

"But why?"

Jack sighed and looked at her. "Because it will upset Chloe and we don't want her upset do we?" He asked.

Amy sighed and nodded. She loved her older sister and wanted Chloe to spend more time with her.


Chloe was sitting by the community centre. She saw Mick and smirked. "Hey."

"You okay?"

Chloe nodded and grinned. "I know what happened with us shouldn't have. But I'm glad it did."

Mick looked at her. "You're underage. I just... I don't think we should do it."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "I'm actually not underage. I'm sixteen. Which is the legal age to have sex."


Jack went to meet with Esmè. He needed to tell her about how Amy wanted to tell Chloe about them.

Esmè looked at him. "Is there a problem?"
She asked.

"Amy. She wants to tell Chloe about us. I've managed to talk her out of it. But it won't be long before she does tell someone," Jack said.

Esmè nodded. "Yeah well this situation just got more complicated. My period is late. Like super late."

Jack paled. He knew he had messed up completely.


Chloe was sitting with Amy. Amy smiled. "Why do you never spend time with me?" She asked.

"Because I'm an older girl. I need my own space and freedom. How about we go shopping on Saturday?" She asked.

Amy nodded and smiled. She looked at her. "You know Esmè? Does she have a boyfriend?" She asked.

Chloe shook her head. "No. Why?"

"Cause when I was with mummy, Esmè had a box. I think she told mummy it was a pregnancy test."

Chloe frowned. But she had no idea that in actual fact her older sister could have been pregnant by her father.


Chloe saw Mick and walked over to him. She kissed him. Mick kissed back. But could the two of them keep a hidden affair?

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