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Chloe was lying in bed. She got a text from Esmè saying she would meet her outside of school.

Chloe heard the front door closing and sighed. She knew she had to get out of bed and get ready for school. Chloe didn't want to go though. Chloe groaned as she took the duvet off of her.

She left her bedroom and saw Jack walking back upstairs. "What's going on?" Chloe asked. She saw the hickey on his neck. "So you were having sex! Who with?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "No one for you to worry about. Okay?"


Chloe made her way downstairs. She smiled when she saw Amy sitting there. "Morning."


Chloe frowned when she saw her sister looking down. "What's the matter?" She asked as she looked at her.

"I'm just tired."

Chloe nodded. But she wasn't convinced. She knew there was something going on with her little sister. She took her hand. "Try and have a nap when you get back from school."

Chloe was sitting in class. She got a text from Mick;

Missing you babe. Come and see me soon - Mick xx

Chloe smiled as she put her phone away. She saw Louise looking at her. "I think you're insane. Your dad won't let you spend time with us. Your proper family," she said.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Maybe because he's looking out for me."

"And you're saying we're bad?"

Chloe said nothing. She knew she and Louise had never gotten on. But she didn't know why.

Jack sat in the office of the club and sighed. Esmè walked in. "We have a problem."

"What's that?"

"I'm late. Three weeks. And we both know that if I am pregnant, then it's yours," Esmè said.

Jack paled. He knew he had messed up. But he had to keep it all quiet.

Chloe was sitting outside. She had a headache and being in school wasn't helping at all. She had enough so she grabbed her bag and walked out.

Chloe saw Mick parked up down the road. She ran over to him. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she got into the car.

Mick smiled. "I thought we could go for a drive somewhere. Just the two of us?"

Chloe nodded. "Okay. Yeah. I'd actually like that. Plus I get out of school," she said.


Chloe moaned as Mick kissed her neck. The two of them had moved into the back of his car. Things were getting heated. Chloe knew they needed to stop what they were doing.

She groaned. "It's 7pm. I need to get home," she said as she looked at him.


Jack was pacing the house. He looked up as Phil walked in. Esmè behind him. "No one has seen her?" He asked.

"No. No one at all."

Jack was getting more and more worried about Chloe. He didn't know what would trigger her to go off during school. Phil sighed. "Ben and Jay are out looking. If they find her, they're bringing her here," he said.

Before anything, the door opened and Chloe walked in. She frowned. "What's going on?" She asked.

"And where have you been?" Jack asked.

"I just... I had to do something. My head feels fried. I had to get away for a bit," she said.

Jack scoffed. He frowned when he saw the lovebite on her neck. "Who gave you that?" He asked.

Chloe paled. But with things getting risky for her and Mick, could they make their relationship work?

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