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Chloe sat in her room. She sighed to herself as she looked to her phone and saw mick had text her.

Chloe didn't know what to think but she knew it was risky. Her relationship with mick was risky and she knew that jack was getting suspicious over where she was and what she was doing all of the time and she hated it.

She hated that it could all blow up of the truth came out and she hated that he could loose everything and she knew how jack would react if he knew the truth. Chloe placed her phone on the side as she finished getting ready for school and walked down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw jack

"I think we need to talk over that love bite on your neck" he said as she sighed

"it's just a boy at school. You don't need to worry and you dont need to give me the talk I didn't sleep with him I am not that type of girl. I just..I want to see mum" Chloe said as jack sighed

"we talked over this"

"it's been six months dad. You can't keep me away from her forever. She's my mother" Chloe said as she stormed off as jack looked after her and sighed  
Chloe walked through the square and smiled as she saw esme who walked over to her and smiled

"are you okay" esme asked as Chloe looked to her and nodded

"I guess. I had a fight with my dad. I told him I wanted to see mum and he just won't have it. She is inside yes and she made a mistake too. I know that but I also know that she is my mum and I need her. I need to talk to her over stuff and he doesn't seem to understand and he doesn't get that I need my mum still and cutting all the Mitchell out of my life won't change a thing I am still part Mitchell and it's not like she would ever hurt me. She made a mistake and she is paying for it I just feel as if I am the one who is being punished for this" Chloe said as esme looked to her and smiled

"I know it is hard but you are not being punished. You didn't do anything wrong mum will be out in a few months and it will be okay. You can see her then. You just have to be patient that's all" esme said as Chloe looked to her and smiled.

Chloe knew esme was right and she knew that she just had to wait as Jack wasn't going to let her see Ronnie

Chloe smirked as she walked through the square as she saw mick as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close and kissed her. She smirked as he pulled her into the alley behind the vic and looked to her and smirked

"have you been avoiding me" he asked as she looked to him and smirked

"not at all. Why would I be doing that" she asked as he smirked

"I don't know you tell me that" he said as she looked to him and smiled "oh I am not trust me" Chloe said as he pulled her close and kissed her little did Chloe know how her affair with mick was about to be exposed

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