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Chloe sat in her room and looked to see jack as he walked in and looked to her

"We need to talk" he said as Chloe looked to him and frowned

"Why I didn't do anything" Chloe said as she sat up as jack sat on the side of the bed and looked to her and smiled

"Like you didn't go to school. I know that you have had a hard time lately and I know that she is your mum but she was in jail. She went for a reason"

"I do dad but she's my mum. Look she swapped a baby. She didn't hurt anyone" Chloe said as jack sighed

"But she did Chloe. You can't go around swapping babies for a reason. You are my daughter and I will do anything to protect you and that means staying away from your mum. I just don't trust her princess" jack said as Chloe looked to him and smiled

Chloe knew that she felt as if jack was trying to keep her away from Ronnie but she also saw his point. She could see that he was trying to protect her

"I'm sorry dad" Chloe said as jack smiled

"It's late. Get some sleep and no more bunking off I'll be driving you in myself to make sure" jack said as Chloe nodded

She looked as he walked off out of the room as Jae lay back in bed and sent mick a text. She felt as if she was the only person keeping her same right now

Chloe walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Esme and smiled

"Are you okay?" Esme asked as Chloe nodded

"I have a maths exam later. I need to go dad is driving me in" Chloe said as Esme nodded

"I know it's tense with mum and that but your still my sister and I am here for you no matter what it takes. I want you to know that" Esme said as Chloe smiled

"I know. I get that" Chloe said

"Mum wants to see you" Esme said as Chloe looked to her and shock her head

"I can't. I promised my dad and he's done a lot for me. Besides I can't with mum...I just can't" Chloe said as Esme looked to her and smiled

"I get that. Look your not a kid and no one can force you to do they you don't want to do" Esme said as Chloe smiled

"Chloe. You ready?" Jack asked as Chloe looked to him and nodded

Chloe smiled as she walked through the square as she saw mick. She walked over to him and smiled

"Where have you been?" He asked as he pulled her to the side of the vic so no one could see

"I had an exam. I can't be at your beck and call. Besides you have a wife and a family" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"You don't need to worry over that. I have filed for divorce. Look it's going to be me and you from now on" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

Chloe had no idea that just as it seemed to be coming together with mick how everything was going to fall apart for her

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