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Chloe lay in bed and sighed to herself. Her head was a mess and all that she could think about was the drama that was going on and mick.

Chloe knew that they were sleeping together and she knew it was wrong and that it shouldn't be happening but she also knew that it felt so right when it shouldn't. Chloe knew he was married, even if him and Linda were separated right now.

He was still a married man and he was friends with her father. Chloe knew that it was a big mess and she knew that even if she wanted to end it that she couldn't. She couldn't end it as she knew that too much had happened.

Chloe sighed as she grabbed her dressing gown and walked down into the kitchen. Jack saw her and frowned as he looked to her

"what are you doing?" He asked

"getting breakfast" Chloe said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Chloe looked to him

"I mean you need to be dressed for school your going to be late and don't think that you can work your way out of it as you are going to school" jack said as Chloe groaned

"fine but it is a waste of time trust me" Chloe said as she stormed off as jack looked to her and sighed to himself

Chloe walked through the square and smiled as she saw Esmè who walked over to her

"hey, how are you. I haven't seen you in ages" Esmè said as chloe looked to her and sighed

"well I'm not allowed am i. My dad has banned me since mum went inside" Chloe said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"ignore him okay, I'm your sister and I am not going to stay away from you okay. You mean too much for me to do that and I'm not going to ignore my little sister. Mum is inside and we have to look after each other, okay?" Esmè said as Chloe looked to her and nodded

"my dad isn't going to like it" Chloe said as Esmè looked to her and smiled "don't you worry about it, I will deal with jack. Trust me" Esmè said as Chloe looked to her and smiled.

Chloe couldn't help but feel worried and anxious over it but she knew that the last thing that she wanted to do was be cut off from her sister and her family.

She knew that no matter what happened that she needed her sister in her life and she wasn't going to let Jack control her, not when he seemed to be trying to control everything on her life right now

Chloe stood in the square as mick walked over to her. He pulled her into the alleyway behind the vic as she looked to him and smirked.

He pulled her close and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

He pulled away bad looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"we will make it work, us. I know everything is a mess but I love you" mick said as Chloe looked to him shocked for a moment

"I love you too" Chloe said unaware of how everything was going to change

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