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Jack had been keeping Chloe away from Ronnie. He didn't trust his ex around their daughter. He couldn't forgive her for what she had done.

That morning, Jack woke in bed next to Esmè. He had invited her round last night and they had spent the nicer having sex. Jack wanted to forget Ronnie was back.

Jack left the bedroom. He heard Chloe in the bathroom and smiled. "Hey. Sleep okay?" He asked as Chloe left the bathroom.

Chloe nodded. "I want to see my mum. And you can't stop me. You know that right?"

Jack rolled his eyes and sighed. "I can. I'm the one who has custody of you. Not your mum. So you're not to see her as I don't trust her."

"She's not going to hurt me. She's my mum for crying out loud!"

"Chloe. No."

Chloe was walking to school. She saw a car pull up next to her. She looked to see it was her mum. "Mum!"

"Hello baby girl. I've missed you so much!" Ronnie said as she looked to her.

Chloe smiled slightly and nodded. She knew she had missed her mum. But she knew what her father had said. And how she couldn't see her.

Ronnie smiled. "get in. I'll take you to school."

"Erm I should probably get the bus."

Ronnie sighed. "Chloe. Please. I just want to spend some time with you. And I'm quicker than a bus."

Chloe found herself nodding. But she knew that if her dad knew, he would go mad at her. Chloe found herself nodding. She got into the car and smiled. "How have you been?"

"I've been good. Esmè disappeared last night. Haven't seen her since."

Chloe shrugged. She didn't know what her sister was doing. She saw how Ronnie was driving in the opposite direction to her school. "Mum. What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm taking you to London for the day. Some bonding with my girl."

Chloe frowned. "I'm supposed to be going to school mum. Seriously," Chloe said.

"It'll be fine."

Jack was sitting in the office at the club. Esmè walked in and smiled. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Chloe never turned up for school. I bet she went to see your mum. After I told her not to," Jack said.

Esmè frowned. "She's our mum. She's allowed to see her you know. You can't ban them forever."

"I have custody of her so I can. Look, Chloe is my daughter. I don't trust your mum around her," Jack said as he stood up and walked off.

Esmè rolled her eyes. She watched as he walked off out of the club and sighed.

Chloe and Ronnie were on the London eye. Chloe looked to her mum. "My dad is going to kill me," she mumbled as she looked to her.

"He won't darling. I promise you."

Chloe sighed. "He told me I'm not allowed to see you. Cause he doesn't trust you."

Ronnie frowned. "You're my baby. I gave birth to you. He can't stop me from seeing you."

"I don't know mum. This all hurts my head."

Ronnie knew she wasn't going to let Jack get away with this. From keeping her baby from her. "It's going to be okay. I'll sort it."

Jack saw Ronnie with Chloe. He walked over. "Keep away from her."

"She's my baby Jack."

"I don't care. Keep away from her," Jack said as he grabbed Chloe and walked off.

Ronnie stood there. She was determined to win back Chloe. But she had no idea of the impact this would have on Chloe.

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