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Chloe woke up and sighed as she looked to her phone and sighed. She stood from the bed and walked down into the kitchen and looked to see jack on the phone. She walked over to get some food and sighed as jack hung up the phone. He looked to Chloe for a moment "Chlo, we need to talk" he said as she turned to face him and sighed. "What is it now, I didn't do anything" Chloe said as jack looked to her and sighed "I never said that you did" "what is it, I want to go and see mum before school" Chloe said as jack looked to her and frowned "you can't, she's been arrested" jack said as Chloe looked to him and frowned "what do you mean that she had been arrested, why what has she done" Chloe asked as jack looked to her and sighed "she's killed someone" jack said as Chloe looked to him and frowned

"But...she wouldn't" Chloe said as he walked over to her and smiled as he pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's okay I promise, but it's just us now and you can't go to see her" "she's my mum" "I know Chloe but she did a bad thing and I need you to stay away from the Mitchell's and that means Esmè too" jack said as Chloe looked to him "she's my sister, you can't do that" "I can, Amy is your sister why don't you spend some time with her" jack said "she's a little brat, the Mitchell's are my family, like it or not" Chloe said as she stormed off. She was angry, she couldn't believe her mum was in jail and that she wasn't allowed to see her family either. She hated it.


Chloe sat in the park. She looked to her phone as she declined the call from jack. She knew that he would know over her skipping school by now and she knew that she wasn't in the mood to deal with him. Chloe ran a hand through her hair as she saw mick. He took a seat next to her "you okay?" He asked as she sighed "I've been better, are you sure you can risk being here with me" she asked "why, I've signed my divorce papers I'm technically single man, let me get you a burger and we can talk" mick said as Chloe smiled.

He handed her a burger as she looked to him and smiled "my mum is back in jail, my dad has banned me from seeing hat side of my family including my sister and I fell more alone than ever" she said. He placed a hand on top of hers and smiled "your not alone, I promise"


Esmè got to jacks and walk inside as she looked to him and glared "so I got a text from Chloe, your banning her from seeing me. My mum is in jail and ow my sister, what is your problem" "she needs stability and that is away from you Mitchell's, especially after what we did" jack said as Esmè rolled her eyes "we had sex,that was it. Get over it, your not cutting me out of my little sisters life, or you will see the Mitchell in me" Esmè spat as she stormed off vowing to keep Chloe safe.

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