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Chloe stood in the kitchen as jack walked in and looked to her "I think that we need to talk" he said as Chloe looked to him and frowned "do we?" She asked as he looked to her and sighed

"I know that you tried to see your mum Chloe, you can't see her, she is in jail for a reason" "she made a mistake and she is my mum. You can't stop me from seeing her" Chloe said, Chloe was annoyed by him

"yeah I can. I am your father and What I do is for you and I don't want you going to a prison and visiting her" jack said as Chloe looked to him and glared "so what? Now I am not allowed to see my mum, she's going down for over a year and I can't see her. I hate you for this" Chloe said as jack looked to her and nodded

"fine, you can hate me all that you want but I am your father and I am doing this for you, I am protecting you and I won't let you become a Mitchell and live a life of crime" jack said

"I am a Mitchell, you can stop me from seeing my mum but I am a Mitchell, Esmè is my sister and you can't stop me from seeing her" Chloe said as jack looked to her and sighed

"I will if I have too, I'm protecting you" jack said

Chloe looked to him and sighed "I don't need protecting, I need my mum and she's gone, I need my sister and your trying to cut her out of my life, you can't enough. Your my dad but I need family" Chloe said as she walked off, Chloe knew she couldn't talk to jack over things like she could with Ronnie or Esmè.

Chloe knew that she felt as if she had no one. Chloe knew that her head was a mess over everything and she knew that she didn't know what to think when it came to her and mick. She knew he was married still but she knew that they had slept together even though linda had filed for divorce, Chloe didn't know what to think over what happened.

She knew it should be a mistake and that she should move on and be happy with someone who isn't married but it didn't feel wrong with mick. Chloe knew that it felt so right but it shouldn't feel right. Chloe didn't know what to do over it. She knew she needed to clear her head over the big mess that she seemed to of got involved In.

She knew the last thing that she needed was for someone to find out over what had happened between them

Chloe sat in the work as she sat at bench. She sat playing with the charm bracelet that Ronnie had gave her. She looked and smiled as she saw mick as he sat opposite her "are you okay" he asked as Chloe looked to him and smiled

"I dont know it's all a mess, my dad is cutting me off from seeing everyone and it's driving me mad" Chloe said as he took a hold of her hand

"it's going to be okay, you don't need to worry. I am here and I am not going anywhere" he said as she looked to him and smiled. Chloe soon found herself going back to the pub with mick. He pulled her close and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss as he lead her to the bedroom.

He closed the door after them and pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her. They stripped off as she moaned into the kiss as he ran his hands up her thighs as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move on and out of her.

Chloe dug her nails into his back and groaned as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her. He pulled out of her and smiled as he held her in his arms and kissed the top of her head

"it's all going to be okay I promise" he said as he held her close

Amy walked into the house. She was annoyed, Chloe hadn't picked her up. She walked into jacks room "dad" she called as she frowned to see him in bed with esme

"Amy, I can explain" jack said as Amy smirked

"wait until Chloe hears about this" Amy said as jack and Esmè held a look knowing how Chloe would react but could they keep Amy from telling Chloe or was it all about to hit the roof when Chloe found out the truth?

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