The Night of the Comet

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Stefan's pov:

I came back because something was pulling me here. At first I thought that it was Elena but after seeing her I know it wasn't. It was her, Artemis Roman that called me back to Mystic Falls and I have no idea why. I can't stop thinking about her and her face along with those blue eyes that look unbelievable in the night time. I know now that I could never fall in love with Elena anymore hell I could never fall in love with anyone who looks like Elena. I would love Artemis in this life and the next.

I finished writing in my journal as I thought of the Roman girl and her beauty this entire time. I knew immediately that Damon was going to cause problems considering the fact that when he was back he aimed to make my life a living hell as he always did.

I'm awake for the first time in a long time. I feel completely and undeniably wide awake. I welcome the day because I know that I will see her again.


Artemis's pov:

I was with Elena waiting for her to come out of the house so that I could drive us to school but all I was thinking about was the new guy Stefan Salvatore. Something was screaming at me that he wasn't what he seemed which I assumed was my magic so I was honestly inclined to listen to it.

We got to school and met with Bonnie and Caroline the former of which was talking about some kind of witch. I of course knew that Bonnie was a witch given that her last name was Bennett and the Bennetts were longtime allies with my family. Come to think of it so were the Salvatores at least they were in the 1800s. Bonnie looked at me after breaking up her conversation with Caroline "so how was the party with the hottie that was staring at you?"

"Oh you mean Stefan Salvatore," I shook my head. "I don't know I suppose that it was good but with what happened to Vicki I don't think that I'll be seeing him again at least anytime soon." She nodded as we both headed to class not that I could ignore the fact that I hadn't seen Stefan yet which somehow upset me.


Stefan's pov:

I was outside of the school listening in to Elena and Matt's conversation about missing campers and knew immediately that it was Damon pulling his old tricks again like usual. I knew that I was going to end up having to compel Vicki although it was not going to be easy especially considering the fact that I was still on animal blood. I heard the word vampire in there and was stunned that Damon could be so reckless especially considering the fact that we had no idea whether the council was still around.

I headed to the hospital before getting to Vicki and compelling her "it was an animal that attacked you, it came out of the night and attacked." She repeated it back to me before I walked off and down the hall. With my dumb luck I walked right into a room where they were giving blood causing my cravings to go through the roof.


Artemis's pov:

I was sat at the Grille with Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie before deciding that I was going to head to the Salvatore house and confront Stefan over what I thought was going on. Honestly I just needed to know that I was nowhere near crazy but that was also a possibility with my family.

I walked into the house when I saw a crow and turned around to see a tall black haired male standing behind me. I wanted to use my magic to blast him back but I also didn't want to be giving away my secrets now did I?

We were looking around his house when the man spoke "I see why my brother's so smitten with you."

"Hold on, brother?" I questioned in disbelief considering the fact that they looked nothing like each other.

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