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Salvatore Boarding House:

Stefan's pov:

After Jeremy left the boarding house I looked at Ari "you didn't have to do that for him."

She nodded "yes, I did." She cleared up some of her stuff "no one deserves to have their mind messed with." She continued moving around making Stefan follow her. "But you and I need to talk mister."

I looked at her confused before she slapped me upside the head "are you fucking stupid?" I looked at her even more confused. "coming back to Mystic Falls for the freaking look alike of your horrible ex."

"Well," I stated because that wasn't exactly how that happened. "That's not how that happened."

Artemis wasn't listening to me at this point "not to mention the fact that I love Elena but she is one of the most emotionally manipulative people in history. I lost my father too matter of fact my mother and my brother as well shortly after but has she once asked if I'm ok? No, but I'm expected to ask her every five seconds." I just let her rant "not to mention trying to control her own brother and make decisions for everyone else. She drives me insane."

"I can see that," I spoke because I really could. "I mean in the short time that I've known Elena she definitely has a tendency to make things about her."

"Understatement of the century."

I heard my phone ring and pulled it out to see that Damon was calling. I answered looking confused as I placed it on speaker phone "before you panic brother Elena's fine. I'm behaving myself."

I looked over at Ari who rolled her eyes at that and I was inclined to agree. It wasn't like Damon to behave at all. I looked back at the phone "Damon, I swear to god if you hurt her I will rip your throat out."

"Easy brother, bunny diet and everything."

I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone as Artemis looked at me confused "you didn't tell him that you could stomach human blood now?"

"No," I spoke looking at her seriously. "If I did it would take away the surprise that I have over him." She nodded before handing me a blood bag which I drank happily.

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Salvatore Boarding House:

Artemis's pov:

I was lounging around with Stefan who was drinking his second blood bag and also drinking alcohol at the same time. I was looking through my spell book and bookmarking the ones that might be useful one day.

We were startled by Elena barging in looking at Stefan and ignoring me which annoyed the crap out of me but anyway. Elena looked at Stefan "was the only reason you were around me because I look like Katherine?"

"No," Stefan spoke looking at me and I knew what he was going to say but I nodded anyway. "school wasn't the first time I saw either of you." She looked at Stefan confused "I met you May 23, 2009 and Artemis February 24, 2009."

Elena looked at me then at Stefan as her eyes widened "but those were..."

He nodded "the days that you both nearly died and a parent did die."

She gasped as tears pooled in her eyes "nobody could understand how I got to the hospital or how I even got out of the car."

"I heard the accident and went to help," Stefan spoke looking straight at her. "I got there and the car was already submerged. Your father was still awake but he refused to leave unless I got you out." The tears were now streaming down her face. "By the time I got you out and went back it was too late. I took you to the hospital and did some digging. I didn't understand why you looked exactly like Katherine. It made no sense because she was a Pierce and you were a Gilbert. Then I found it, there was no record of your mother ever giving birth or ever being pregnant. You're adopted Elena."

Elena was stunned and had tears in her eyes "what else did you find out?"

"In order find out anymore I would have had to look in the Pierce family which was way too dangerous." Stefan continued to look at Elena before shifting his gaze to me "I came to make sure that you weren't Katherine and when I did I intended to leave again but I met Artemis and fell in love with her. I'm here for her now." I smiled at that knowing that he was telling the truth. Elena left to go confront Jenna about it while I went back to looking through my grimoire all while trying to find my cousin.

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