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 Roman House:

Artemis's pov:

I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the blinds and in the arms of my boyfriend. I smiled as I remembered Stefan asking me to be his girlfriend last night. I was currently wrapped tightly in the arms of the vampire which made me smile at how safe I felt. I reluctantly got up and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and change. 

I came back into the bedroom to see Stefan sitting up looking at me before he sped to me and pinned me against the wall. He sealed his mouth over mine and I kissed back before Damon called and said that he had Vicki at the Boarding house. Stefan groaned and I chuckled a bit knowing that he didn't particularly like Damon right now. He kissed me once more before we headed to the boarding house.

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Salvatore Boarding House:

Stefan's pov: 

I sped both me and Ari to the boarding house and we walked in to be met with Vicki in the living room. She looked at me "why do I have to stay here?"

"Because you're changing, Vicki, and it's not something you want to do alone." Ari looked at me as I spoke knowing my story and that I had fully finished changing alone. 

Damon was sitting in the chair complaining about the fact that when he killed Logan Fell that no one knew and that they were covering it up. He played with the watch that Logan had. I saw Ari shift before saying "Damon half of the problems that we are having are because of you. I am about this close from flinging you into a wall so please if you value your life stop talking." I chuckled at that and seeing Damon look scared before we heard the doorbell ring. 

Damon went to go answer it while me and Ari kept trying to help Vicki. We heard Damon greet Elena before telling her that I was upstairs. I heard Damon leave the house before I headed to the stairs. After talking to Elena for a minute I heard someone behind me and turned to see Ari and Vicki. Ari looked at me to make sure that I was alright which made me smile knowing her concern. 

Ari, Elena, Vicki and I all sat at the table before Vicki asked "well, what if I wanna drink human blood?" 

I caught Ari's eye but before we could say anything Elena did "that would make you a monster Vicki." 

"Oh please for the love of god Elena," Artemis started. "Shut the hell up for once in your life." Elena looked offended as I snorted knowing that Ari was being nice today considering how much Elena has annoyed her. "You can drink human blood if you want. It's your choice but you have to be careful not to lose control." 

I nodded at that because she was right. I pulled Elena and Ari outside to talk "look Elena, the thing is, it's hard to resist certain people, especially when you're new." I looked at Ari who nodded "it's difficult to separate your feelings: love, lust, anger, desire. It can all blur into one urge: hunger." 

Elena looked confused "what does that mean?"

Ari spoke before I could "it means that if she sees Jeremy, she may not be able to stop herself from killing him." 

Elena left and I turned to Ari "I'm worried because I know that Vicki likes Jeremy and Damon is Damon." She chuckled and we all heard Damon open the door and Vicki run away. 

Ari looked at Damon before waving her hand and flinging him fifty feet across the grass. "You're an absolute idiot Damon. I mean seriously what are you doing? She can't control herself and you just let her go wherever she wants. What the fuck?" I watched as she flung Damon with her powers ago before calling lightning and hitting him with it causing an explosion. 

For a second I thought that Damon was dead as he laid there before he groaned. Ari then turned to me "she's most likely meeting Jeremy at the school because of Halloween." I nodded and grabbed on to her speeding us both there. 

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Mystic Falls High School:

Artemis's pov: 

We got to the school and immediately headed to find Vicki who was probably feeling the effects of the hunger. We saw Elena who spoke to us "where's Vicki, Jeremy's here." 

I looked at Stefan "they're probably together then." He nodded before we headed off to find them and possibly stop Vicki from making one of the worst mistakes of her life. 

We found Vicki who had taken a bite out of Elena and I used my magic and flung her back before Stefan impaled her with a stake. I could tell by the look in Stefan's eyes that he felt guilty about it but we knew that we didn't particularly have a chose especially considering how feral she was. 

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Gilbert House:

Me and Stefan sat there as we heard Jeremy crying about Vicki and I knew that Elena was going to come out here and make some stupid decision that shouldn't be hers to make. Elena came out to us and looked at us "can you make him forget?" 

Stefan looked at us "not with the way that I live. I wouldn't be able to do it right and could risk damaging him." 

I looked at them "are you serious Elena." She looked at me confused "you're seriously going to make him forget this and all of his trauma. That's manipulative as shit and stupid." 

She looked at me "it's what I want." 

I sighed "but it's not what Jeremy wants. You do know that he is a person and not a possession right." I couldn't believe that I was even arguing this point, sometimes it was like I cared more about Jeremy than Elena did. 

Damon agreed to do it and Elena sat with us while he did and then he came out. I stood on the porch with the brothers before saying "I'm going home, I'll see you tomorrow." 

Stefan nodded and kissed me before speeding off. After him and Damon both sped off, I waved my hand and teleported into the Gilbert house. I made my way up the stairs and to Jeremy's room. I sighed as I stood in the doorway knowing that if I did this, I would probably lose Elena as a friend but I had no choice. Jeremy not knowing could put him in more danger not to mention it was a horrific act to do. 

I looked at the doorway and waved my hand concentrating "cum per hanc ianuam ambulaveris, recordaberis." It was a spell that meant when he walked through the doorway in the morning he would remember. I added another layer on to it not wanting Jeremy to talk to Elena "cum meministi ne cuiquam nisi Artemis Roman loqui." 

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Roman House:

I teleported back out of the house and into my own across the street knowing that I had just screwed up my relationship with Elena but I couldn't let her use Jeremy and keep him in the dark. I cared about Jeremy and therefore would protect him by giving him a vervain bracelet and making sure he knew everything.


 *cum per hanc ianuam ambulaveris, recordaberis: When you walk through this door, you will remember.*

*cum meministi ne cuiquam nisi Artemis Roman loqui.: when you remember don't speak to anyone but Artemis Roman.* 

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