Fool Me Once

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Roman Residence And Motel:

Artemis's pov:

I woke up in the morning feeling Stefan lying beside me. He noticed that I was moving and looked at me "how are you feeling after yesterday?" 

I sighed "weird I guess." He nodded as I continued "I mean it's always a little strange when you find out your parent's deaths weren't accidents and instead the result of your crazy ass uncle. It's even stranger when you meet two originals who were best friends with your father and your boyfriend." 

Stefan nodded "well, I hate to be the bearer of even more bad news but Elena's missing as well as Bonnie." 

I groaned "that girl gets into more trouble than most toddlers." Stefan chuckled before the two of us got up and headed to get dressed to reluctantly try and find Elena.  

As we started looking Stefan's phone rang and he picked up "hello?" It was quiet for a moment then "Anna." I looked at Stefan with wide eyes before Stefan responded to whatever batshit crazy thing that bitch was saying. "I don't have the Grimoire but I can get it. Damon has it." They hung up and Stefan called Damon "Damon listen to me. Distract Anna while Artemis and I work to get Bonnie and Elena free." 

Damon reluctantly agreed as I did a locator spell with Bonnie's necklace. We appeared at a motel and Stefan used his hearing to listen for them. We rushed into the room and I used my magic to fling Ben back into the wall as Stefan freed both girls. As we all ran out of the room, Stefan warned Ben to leave town otherwise, if he saw him again, he would kill him.

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Stefan's pov:

Bonnie, Elena, Artemis and I arrive at the tomb knowing that er have no choice but to get Katherine back for Damon. Sheila agreed to open the tomb as long as the rest of the vampires are burned. I thought it was a good trade but I had a sinking feeling that something was going to go wrong. 

Elena like always being the pick-me girl she was offered to go find Damon. Artemis and I had brought along arsonist tools. Damon who was joined by Elena brought an IV bag of blood for Katherine. Artemis and I looked at each other as Bonnie and Sheila started the spell.  Bonnie and Sheila kept chanting the spell and all of us watched as the tomb's door cracked open. 

Damon looked at the door and then back at Shiela before grabbing Elena to the protest of everyone but Artemis which didn't surprise me. We watched as Damon dragged her into the tomb before Anna arrived as Bonnie moved to stop her but Sheila yelled "Bonnie, no." Bonnie backed off looking confused just like Artemis and I.

Bonnie looked stunned at her grandmother and spoke confused "why did you let Anna into the tomb?" 

Sheila looked at her granddaughter and then the others "I let her in because no vampire will come out of the tomb. We managed to open the door and the seal is still intact so whichever vampire goes in, is most definitely not coming out." Artemis, Bonnie, and I looked at each other horrified. Suddenly, Elena's scream came piercing through the corridor. I looked at Artemis knowing that she would understand the look. I had to go in there because Elena was needed for Klaus's ritual. 

Artemis nodded at me before I rushed in and got to Elena before Pearl could kill her. Elena immediately rushed out to the others as Bonnie begged her grandmother to remove the seal on the door. I suddenly heard Artemis gasp "Damon." 

I nodded and rushed back into the tomb to try and find my brother. We may fight and he may hate me but I don't hate him and he's still my brother. I found him in the tomb still looking for Katherine, I sped up to him "Damon we need to go or we're going to be locked in here forever." 

"No!" Damon shouted as he rounded on me throwing a bag of blood at the wall causing it to shatter. "I have to find Katherine. I need to find her." 

I sighed before placing my hands on his shoulder "she's not in here Damon." Damon just looked at me and nodded before we both sped to the door narrowly making it before the seal came back down and the door closed behind us. 

Artemis rounded on Elena, Damon, and I "what the hell were you three thinking?" Elena moved to speak but Artemis held up a hand silencing her "I've already lost enough people I can't lose Stefan too." 

"I've lost people too," Elena spoke and almost immediately I could tell that it was the wrong thing to say.

Artemis glared at her "you know nothing about loss. You have no idea what loss even is. You may have lost your parents but I just found out mine were murdered, my older brother was murdered as well, and my cousin is locked in a prison world god knows where. Whoever you lost Elena is not really on my list of problems right now." Elena gaped as Artemis turned around and walked away. Damon and Elena turned to look at me and I only shrugged before walking after her. 

I caught up with her and she turned to me before collapsing into my chest "I can't deal with this Stefan. I'm just so overwhelmed with everything. Why did I have to lose everyone to my psycho uncle?" 

I just hugged her knowing that she needed to let this all go. I knew that she was overwhelmed especially with the information about her family that just came to light. Not for the first time did I wish that I could go to the Parkers and make them regret hurting her. 

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Motel Room:

Artemis's pov:

After I had been done with the mental breakdown that I had been holding in all day from learning that my father's car crash wasn't an accident nor was my mother's car crash or my brother's death I wiped my eyes as Stefan and I headed to the hotel where Damon, Pearl, and Anna were. 

We walked in on Damon who had grabbed Pearl and was currently threatening to kill her. He also accused Anna of knowing the whole time that Katherine was not in the tomb. Anna looked at all of them "I knew that Katherine wasn't in the tomb but you wouldn't have helped me if I told you that. Now let my mother go." 

Stefan looked at me and I nodded before waving my hand tossing Damon away and holding Pearl to the wall. I looked at the still-weak vampire "I'm not in a great mood so if you don't want me to kill you I'd suggest you start talking." 

Pearl nods fearfully and starts talking "Katherine faked being in the tomb and got away." 

Anna then interrupted adding on "I saw Katherine a few years ago. She knew where you and Stefan were but didn't care enough to find you." I watched as Damon looked down before speeding out of the room. I let go of Pearl and Stefan and I looked at each other before sighing knowing that when Damon was sad only one thing happened. A bunch of bodies.

Little did I know that as we made our way back to the Boarding house two things were happening. One, Bonnie had gone to check on her grandma only to find her dead. And two, probably most important was that back at the tomb, a vampire had managed to get to the blood bag Damon threw against the wall and had fed on its contents. The vampire gets up, slowly gets to the door sliding it open, and exits the tomb revealing that the seal spell to put the seal back up did not work and all of the tomb vampires were now free to leave.

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