A Few Good Men

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Salvatore Boarding House:

Artemis's pov:

I was in a house that eerily looked like mine which couldn't be considering the fact that I was in the Salvatore Boarding House wrapped up in Stefan's arms.

I registered the magic radiating from the walls and smiled as I heard humming from the other room. I walked into the room and realized that Kai was reading a book. "Kai Parker, reading a book?"

Kai rolled his eyes and turned around "well, I'm bored in here and I can't get out."

"I may have a stupid question." Kai nodded along to me indicating that I should ask it and that he was listening. "Why can't you just siphon the prison world?"

He looked at me for a second as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped which was comical before face palming "and I'm an idiot." I chuckled a bit before he spoke "have you figured out a way to get me out of here yet?"

I shook out of my amusement and nodded "It turns out that we can override a celestial event and Bennett blood if two witches do magic from either side of the prison world." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "In other words, if both of us do the spell while you have the ascendant and use our blood we don't need a celestial event or Bennett blood."

Kai smiled and looked at me "as soon as I get out of here, I'm hugging you."

I laughed at that "we can do it today if you want to."

"Let's do it," Kai spoke seriously. "Then we can both go after our messed up, abusive family."

"Alright," I looked at him. "Do you have the spell we need to do?"

"Yes." He grabbed a pen and wrote it down before handing it to me. I nodded and woke up in Stefan's arms.

I immediately got out of bed and put on a T-shirt along with a pair of leggings. I quickly got a few candles and a knife before sitting down and muttering the spell that Kai gave me.

Instantly, the wind picked up and I felt power coming from in front of me and I knew that it was Kai. I thought about the prison world and felt the barrier. I cut my hand and continued muttering while putting the blood in front of me. A minute later, I felt something give and I watched as a bright light appeared in front of me.

I stood up and smiled as I saw the figure of my cousin Kai Parker. He took in his surroundings before spotting me and smiled. He then made good on his promise and hugged me within an inch of my life.

I heard someone clear their throat and whipped around to see Stefan in just a pair of sweatpants. I smiled softly at him before indicating to Kai "Stefan this is my cousin Kai Parker. Kai, this is my boyfriend Stefan Salvatore."

They shook hands as Kai smirked, "hurt her and I hurt you."

"I hurt her," Stefan started before looking me in the eyes. "And I'll hand you the stake myself." I smiled as I looked down falling more and more in love with the youngest Salvatore.

Later that day, I was chilling with Stefan on the couch as Kai was upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms getting acclimated with the 2000s when Elena burst into the house. I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the interruption before Elena spoke "I think Damon killed my biological mother."

Stefan and I looked at each other as I sighed "whoa, what on earth made you think that?"

Elena spoke, "when I asked him about an Isobel, he froze and tensed up." I nearly face palmed because there was no way that you could base killing someone off of freezing up.

"Elena," Stefan stopped her rambling. "Just ask Damon what he did with Isobel." Elena huffed and left as we went back to reading together in the living room.

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Founder's Fundraiser:

Stefan's pov:

At the Founder's fundraiser that night I stuck close to Artemis who was in a gorgeous silver dress. We watched as the Bachelor Raffle began, and Mrs Lockwood  introduced the bachelors. When she got to Damon I had a bad feeling about it. I was proven right when he started talking about Alaric's wife and that they once got drunk together, he found her delicious. I could see that Alaric was trying to stay calm as Damon taunted him, while Elena was horrified by what Damon was saying.

Artemis and I watched as Elena walked up to Damon after he got down from the stage after being bidd on. She glared at him which was when he did the most Damon-like thing and stuck his foot in his mouth "why are you glaring at me?" I felt more than saw Artemis facepalm at my brother's stupidity and I honestly was close to doing the same.

"Are you serious Damon?"He shrugged as Elena just glared harder before she threw her hands up and shouted "Isobel was my mother." She then stormed away as Damon looked at us in disbelief.

I watched as Damon headed back to the house before I was nudged by Artemis and noticed that Alaric was fuming while also following Damon out. I looked at Artemis and shrugged "Damon deserves a bit of karma for this one. Let's let this play out." Artemis nodded as we enjoyed the rest of the night.

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Salvatore Boarding House:

Artemis's pov:

Stefan and I headed back to the Boarding House and were stunned to see the dead body of Alaric Saltzman or other words the history teacher. We looked at Damon who shrugged and sped out of the house. I had just turned to ask Stefan what to do with the body when I heard a gasp and we both turned to the sound.

Alaric was sitting up, alive and breathing. "How in the world?" I asked dumbfounded and confused.

"The ring," he pointed to the ring on his finger. "It allows me to come back from a supernatural death." I nodded before Alaric left as Stefan and I headed to bed deciding that we didn't want to think anymore today.

We were unaware of it at the time but the tomb vampires had escaped and they were making a play for revenge in which things were only going to get worse.

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