Family Ties

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Artemis's pov:

I woke up confused and with my head hurting before I realized that I wasn't at home and in my bed. I jolted up and saw Stefan sitting at his desk and writing in his journal. I moved to sit up before asking Stefan "alright what the hell was that earlier tonight?"

He sighed "I'm a vampire, Artemis." I looked blankly at him before he continued "Damon is the one doing the killing and he's the one who killed Tanner."

I realized that he was serious before looking at him "so that's why you feel like death when I touch you." He nodded "I don't care that you're a vampire but we need to stop Damon."

He was stunned "wait you really don't care that I'm a blood sucking monster?"

"No," I spoke as I moved closer to him. "I've done some things that I am not proud of with my magic so I have no room to judge. Hell, I helped my cousin kill all of my other cousins not that it did him any good considering he's trapped in a prison world."

He looked even more stunned if that was even possible "wait magic, you're a witch? You also don't care that you're boyfriend's a vampire?"

I nodded "yeah, so as long as you don't try to kill me then I don't care."

He just shook his head "I have no idea how I met you or got you to like me but my god I'm never letting you go." I smiled at that before he joined me on the bed and kissed me before we fell asleep promising that we'd talk more tomorrow.


Stefan's pov:

I woke up that morning and was still stunned throughout that entire conversation last night, I think that's actually the first time that I've been rightfully speechless. Damon chose at that point to walk into the room and I almost laughed out loud as Artemis without looking just waved her hand and Damon went flying into the wall as she spoke "that's for Tanner, Caroline, and everyone that you've killed."

I was definitely impressed that she had the ability to throw Damon like that before Damon got up groaning. "Anyway, I figured you'd want to know that they caught the beast responsible for all those deaths." I looked at Artemis who looked just as confused as I was. Damon brought our attention back as he started speaking again "a mountain lion."

Me and Artemis just looked at each other not impressed in the slightest. Damon walked around before grabbing a pencil and stabbing me in the ribs making Artemis clench her fist and I watched as Damon fell to his knees in agonizing pain as Artemis moved over to help me up.

I eventually stood up to see Damon still on his knees with his hands to his head. I stood next to Artemis staring at Damon in pain before speaking to her and telling Artemis "you can stop hurting him now."

She nodded as she unclenched her fist letting Damon go from his pain induced kneel. I kissed her forehead in a silent thank you as Damon shakily got up before heading to his own room. I still stood with Artemis as she leaned into me.

Artemis looked at me before sighing "are you willing to escort me to the founders ball."

I looked at the girl that was quickly becoming my everything before saying "I would be honored to escort you to the founders ball, Ms. Roman." She smiled before pulling me in for a kiss which I gladly returned.

Zach suddenly came in and interrupted the two of us saying "Damon's out of control. You have to do something about him."

I nodded "Zach, vervain would weaken him but it hasn't grown here since 1865 and what I had left I gave to both Artemis and Elena."

"I may be able to help with that." Zach told me making me look at Artemis as we both followed him down to a hidden point in the cellar where there were dozens of plants of vervain. Artemis glanced at me looking just as stunned as I felt.

I suddenly heard Artemis's phone ring before she answered it saying "what's wrong Jer?" She listened for a second as we headed back upstairs "wait, the watch that your father was going to give to you?" She waited again "put Elena on."

She looked at me and rolled her eyes as Damon walked in before speaking "Elena listen to me, that watch belongs to Jeremy now so give it to him and leave me to deal with Mrs. Lockwood if she asks." I heard Elena say ok and Jeremy yell thanks to her before Artemis hung up the phone.

Artemis kissed me before leaving to get ready and I poured myself some whiskey before dumping the vervain in the alcohol. I thought that Damon was about to drink from it before he spoke "I'm not that easy to drug Stefan."

I groaned as he walked away before pulling out my phone and checking for a text from Artemis which said she was almost ready. I was worried about what Damon was going to do now that he knew I wanted him gone.


Artemis's pov:

I was getting dressed with Elena in a purple dress that almost matched Elena's and my hair was up in a double braid.

I headed to the Lockwood's and walked in with Stefan before we looked at all the history that was in the room and I clocked the fact that Damon was there. I groaned and I grabbed the drink that Stefan gave me and smiled before drinking it.

I noticed Caroline had already finished her drink and she headed outside. I clocked Damon following her and immediately refused to let him anywhere near her.

I followed and got there just in time to see Damon attack Caroline and I immediately flung out my hands and threw him away from her. I then snapped his neck before immediately being drawn into Stefan's arms.


Stefan's pov:

I immediately pulled Artemis to me and fed her a little of my blood before handing her off to Bonnie so that I could take Damon before he became too powerful again. 

I was pissed at Artemis for taking him on while drunk and he was energized with human blood but to protect my friend I probably would have done the same thing.


Artemis's pov:

As I was being helped by Bonnie down the stairs we stopped at the sound of voices "did you get the Gilbert watch?"

"She says it's packed away in her mother's things."

"I can get it."

"Good, we're gonna need it."

"Are you sure?"

"Five bodies all drained of blood. I'm certain."

"They've come back." Me and Bonnie both looked at each other knowing immediately that Stefan and Damon were in trouble.

I looked at Bonnie "we need to tell Stefan."

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