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Gilbert House:

Artemis's pov: 

I woke up after napping with Stefan when Elena called saying that there was something important going on. Stefan and I both headed to the house before seeing Elena in the living room and Jeremy standing next to her. I immediately headed to Jeremy and looked at him "are you alright?" He nodded and leaned more into me. 

Jeremy sighed and whispered to me "it was the delivery guy, he was a vampire." I nodded before Jeremy left and headed to school. Later in the day Jeremy called me and told me that he got an A on his paper along with the fact that Alaric the new history teacher was interested in vampires which made me a little wary. 

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Mystic Grille: 

I was walking with Elena reluctantly when she got a phone call from a stranger. Elena paused and looked at me with wide eyes making me look around. Elena listened to the call before looking at me "get in the car." I nodded as we both got in the car and drove away. She looked at me "call Stefan." I nodded before pulling out my phone and pressing number 1 on my speed dial. Stefan picked up and Elena immediately started "I got a phone call from a psychotic vampire."

Stefan gasped before speaking to the both of us "are you alright Ari?" Elena looked put out that Stefan didn't seem to care about her in this situation as I just rolled my eyes. 

I looked at the phone "yeah, I'm alright Stef. The vampire didn't get near us and even if it did, they wouldn't have been a problem." 

Stefan chuckled before speaking  "come to the Boarding house." We met Stefan at the boarding house and he gave Elena the Gilbert watch telling her "it's essentially a compass for vampires. If there is a vampire nearby it'll show you where." Elena nodded before leaving as I stayed at the boarding house with Stef.  Stefan looked at me before kissing me hard making me smile. He wrapped his hand around my butt forcing me to jump and I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

Stefan smiled as he pushed me against the wall, we kept kissing before we moved it into his bedroom. I moaned and let out a gasp as he kissed to my neck. He pulled back and looked at me with his fangs out, I nodded and no sooner had I nodded did I feel his teeth in my neck. I moaned and held on tight to his back. We were interrupted by Damon calling Stefan who turned to me as soon as the phone call ended "Noah attacked Elena." 

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Gilbert House:

Stefan's pov:

We joined Damon and Elena at the Gilbert house and were currently trying to find out what Noah wanted. I could tell that Ari was annoyed at the idea of being here as her magic was flaring as she played with it. Damon looks at me and Ari before he suggests "we should use Elena as bait during the dance so he doesn't come back to the house." Elena agreed no matter how much both me and Ari opposed it because neither me nor Ari trusted Damon. With that we all headed to the dance and I smiled as I saw Ari in her attire. 

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Mystic Falls High School:

Ari was stood next to me at the punch bowl before she turned to me "we should dance." 

I looked at her and just glared "I don't dance Ari." Artemis sighed before moving off the wall to start dancing. I watched as Ari started dancing before growling as a boy joined her. I walked over to her and pulled her closer to me. 

She chuckled before we started dancing  before Elena comes over to us both and tells us "I spotted Noah. In the corner." I looked at Ari as we spotted Elena leaving the room which we both found suspicious. We headed after her and heard the sound of fighting in the cafeteria. Me and Ari looked at each other before heading in the room seeing Noah about to bite her. Ari used her magic to blast Noah off Elena as Damon joined us. 

Noah got up and tried to escape but Ari slammed him to the ground with her magic as I staked him right in the gut to make him suffer but not kill him. I looked at Ari who nodded before I started asking Noah what he wants. Noah looked at all of us before saying "I came after Elena because she looks like Katherine." 

Damon and I looked at each other before Damon spoke confused "you knew Katherine?" 

"Who didn't?" Noah spoke sarcastically and bitterly. I caught Damon's eye in a silent question as he shook his head telling me that he didn't know him. Noah spoke again "you need the grimoire to get into the tomb. You can find information about it in Jonathon Gilbert's journal." 

I looked at Ari who shook her head indicating that she would have to check on his information. I looked back to Noah "who are you working for?" Noah stared at us but didn't answer so I pulled the stake out of his stomach and stabbed it into his heart. 

Elena looked at the three of us "you didn't have to kill him." 

"Oh come off it," Artemis snarled at Elena. "He's been invited in the house. I sure as hell wouldn't be coming to help you if he broke in."

I nodded "neither would I." Elena looked hurt at the fact that I agreed with Ari but I just shook my head as I pulled Ari into a hug. 

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Salvatore Boarding House:

Artemis's pov:

Me and the Salvatore Brothers were now back in the boarding house where Damon and Stefan were discussing what happened while I read through my grimoire and once again was looking for my cousin. Damon sighed " I suspect that Noah is not alone." 

Stefan nodded before "I know you are looking for Emily's journal to reverse the spell." Damon and I both look at him as I had a feeling why he was saying this. Stefan looked straight at Damon "I will help you free Katherine as long as me and Ari are there, and the other vampires stay behind."

Damon looked at me for confirmation and I nodded "I will help as long as the tomb vampires stay in the tomb and Katherine is the only one you free." 

Damon looked between me and Stefan and I thought I saw a hint of a smile before he spoke "alright, deal." Damon vamp sped out of the boarding house leaving me and Stefan in the living room. 

I looked at Stefan and sighed "Stef, are you sure that you're ok with helping Damon?" 

"Yeah," Stefan spoke looking at me seriously. "I'd rather have my brother back than keep Katherine in the tomb." 

"Ok then," I spoke as I moved so that I was standing in Stefan's arms. "I'll help as long as you want me too but if you ever want to stop helping Damon let me know." Stefan nodded and kissed the top of my head making me smile as I rested my face in his chest. We moved to the bedroom and laid down together as we cuddled. I fell asleep laying in his arms while wondering how bad trying to find Katherine was going to be. 

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